Category: google duplex

Google begins testing Assistant movie ticket reservations in Chrome

[ad_1] As reported by Android Police, if you’re part of the test then when you look up show times for a movie in Chrome you’ll see the usual options to book tickets at different theaters plus a new addition. The “Buy Tickets” button with the Google Assistant logo indicates that Duplex is available. If you […]

Google Assistant on Pixel 4 may handle calls while you’re on hold

[ad_1] This might not be available the moment the Pixel 4 is ready, however. The on-hold feature is relatively young, according to the source, and might only appear at an announcement as a teaser of what’s in the pipeline. There’s also no mention of whether or not the feature would extend to other Android phones, […]

Many Google Duplex calls are from real people instead of AI

[ad_1] There are multiple reasons for relying on the human touch. In one case, Duplex didn’t appear to pick up the cues that reservations were available. It may also need training on more real-world calls before it can handle every situation. More importantly, the company argued that it was taking a cautious approach. It wants […]

Google Duplex still confuses restaurants

[ad_1] One year later, restaurants are still confused by Google DuplexNatt Garun,The Verge Google had us in awe when it debuted the AI-powered Duplex tech at I/O 2018. The system can be used to make reservations on your behalf, and it can even make a call if one is required. A year later though, it […]