Category: google images

Google adds fact checking to image searches

[ad_1] Google’s fact checking now extends beyond standard searches and YouTube. The internet pioneer has introduced fact check labels for image search results. Tap a bogus picture for a detailed view and you’ll see a blurb from a verified source indicating what’s false and offering a link to the full article debunking the image. If […]

Google’s image results will soon tell you more about what you’re seeing

[ad_1] The new icons indicate whether the image you’re clicking leads to a page with products for sale, to a page with recipes or to video content. They appear small and unobtrusive at first glance, but mousing over them shows the tags in full, even the video’s length. While the icons’ addition isn’t a huge […]

Google tests shoppable ads in image searches

[ad_1] The test is currently visible only to a “small percentage” of users who search for certain broader topics, such as home offices and abstract art. Whether or not it expands will likely depend on early results. With that said, it’s hard to see Google turning down shoppable images. If you’re already using a general […]