Category: google search

Google promises better search results for recipes, jobs and shopping

[ad_1] Google has also made improvements to the recipes card. “To make meal planning easier, we’re updating the recipes activity card to show you even more relevant recipes related to your query,” Search product manager InHan Kang wrote in a blog post. “So now when you search for chicken recipes, we’ll surface the related recipes […]

Google adds re-opening and COVID-19 info to travel searches

[ad_1] Google has already introduced a number of updates to help people get around during widespread closures and travel disruptions due to COVID-19. Now that more cities and states are beginning to open up, the company is updating searches to make it easier to find details about travel destinations and re-openings. Google With the update, […]

Google displays unemployment benefit details based on your state

[ad_1] As is the case in many countries, unemployment in the United States is skyrocketing as the COVID-19 pandemic forces millions out of work. Several means are available to help those in need, such as federal stimulus checks, but the measures vary by state. Google has rolled out an update to Search to help you […]

Google’s image results will soon tell you more about what you’re seeing

[ad_1] The new icons indicate whether the image you’re clicking leads to a page with products for sale, to a page with recipes or to video content. They appear small and unobtrusive at first glance, but mousing over them shows the tags in full, even the video’s length. While the icons’ addition isn’t a huge […]

Facebook and Google are fighting coronavirus misinformation

[ad_1] Facebook’s third-party fact-checkers are reviewing content related to the virus, now deemed a public health emergency by the World Health Organization. When the fact-checkers rate something as false, Facebook will limit its spread and send a notification to people who have shared or are attempting to share that content. Facebook is also removing content […]

Google vows to make Search ‘better’ after redesign backlash

[ad_1] Last week we updated the look of Search on desktop to mirror what’s been on mobile for months. We’ve heard your feedback about the update. We always want to make Search better, so we’re going to experiment with new placements for favicons…. — Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) January 24, 2020 Over the coming weeks, Google […]

Google Collections will save and organize your searches

[ad_1] Google will recommend Collections based on activities like cooking, shopping and hobbies. That could make it easier to keep track of a recipe you searched for last week or a wishlist purchase without digging through your history. Once you’ve saved a Collection, Google will use AI to recommend related websites, images, products and searches. […]

Google can point you toward the popular clothes in many stores

[ad_1] Online clothes shopping is still something of a pain. You might not always realize what choices you have, let alone which places have the best prices. Google is trying to help, at least. It’s introducing a search feature on mobile that piles results for popular clothes, accessories and shoes into one section. You could […]