Category: google walkout

Alphabet’s board is investigating how sexual misconduct claims were handled

[ad_1] The way those investigations and others were handled have been cited among reasons for an employee walkout a year ago, and investor lawsuits claiming the Alphabet board of directors — including Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt — was directly involved in covering incidents up. In a California state court filing, the company […]

Google Walkout leader leaves the company over alleged retaliation

[ad_1] The Guardian reported Stapleton told her co-workers she had branded by her department “with a kind of scarlet letter that makes it difficult to do my job or find another one.” She determined that there was no where else for her to go within the company and believed that she and others were actively […]

Google staff share claims of company retaliation in town hall meeting

[ad_1] Stapleton and Whittaker started the outcry after explaining their own accusations. Stapleton said she was going to be demoted from her marketing role at YouTube and was asked to take a medical leave she didn’t need, saving her position only after she retained a lawyer. She added in email that the “environment remains hostile.” […]

Google makes it easier for employees to report harassment

[ad_1] She said the new site will provide employees with a simpler, clearer way for them to raise concerns. It’s setting up a similar site for its vendors and temporary workforce, which should be ready in June. Following a four-month trial period, the company is expanding its Support Person Program, which allows employees to bring […]