Category: government

Senate bill would make tech companies test algorithms for bias

[ad_1] The bill would only apply to companies that either make more than $50 million per year or have data for at least one million people or devices. Small businesses would theoretically be safe. The senators saw this as a civil rights issue and pointed to recent incidents as examples. Facebook is still facing a […]

UK investigates Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony over game service practices

[ad_1] The move is the second part of the CMA’s response to a “super-complaint” on the loyalty penalty, or the tendency for some companies (not just in gaming) to punish long-serving customers by making it difficult or costly to leave. Officials emphasized that the investigation had only started, and that it might only take “enforcement […]

Democrats move closer to passing the 'Save the Internet' Act

[ad_1] Democrats have just made significant progress in restoring net neutrality rules in the US. The "Save the Internet Act" unveiled last month has now been approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which means it can now be considered by the f… [ad_2] Source link

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg proposes four ways to regulate the internet

[ad_1] Zuckerberg also pushed for regulations that set “common standards” for verifying people behind political ads. He hoped for a “globally harmonized framework” for data privacy akin to the European Union’s GDPR to improve overall data protection without leading to a “fractured” internet. To top things off, the exec hoped for a guarantee of data […]

White House launches site to highlight AI initiatives

[ad_1] Now that the US government has been ordered to prioritize AI, it's launching a website to promote its AI efforts. The newly available showcases a number of initiatives over the years, including Obama-era moves like the strategic AI research p… [ad_2] Source link

FCC clears path for terahertz wireless data

[ad_1] The measure also sets aside 21.2GHz of spectrum to share for unlicensed devices. The airwaves in question were chosen to minimize possible interference with current “governmental and scientific” uses in those areas, such as space science. These frequencies could lead to extremely fast wireless network data, advanced imaging and very fine-grained sensors, among other […]

Nearly half of the votes in Estonia’s election were cast online

[ad_1] Estonia started this kind of voting in 2005 using chipped IDs and card readers, but it took off in 2011 when the public could vote with their cellphones thanks to a special SIM card and PIN codes. It’s appealing beyond the convenience of voting on your own terms, we’d add. You’re allowed to change […]

UK lords call for central ‘Digital Authority’ to help regulate internet

[ad_1] The report further asked for 10 guiding “principles” to dictate rules, including accountability, privacy, transparency, human rights and protections for children. The lords also wanted to enforce a general “duty of care” among internet companies, requiring them to take “reasonable” steps o prevent harm. They’d also aim for clearer community content standards through a […]

House Democrats will introduce bill to reinstate net neutrality rules

[ad_1] If the bill represents a full return to the 2015 rules, it would ban internet providers from blocking or slowing legal content, including through roundabout means like “fast lanes” where customers pay for better performance. The post-repeal FCC allows these restrictions so long as ISPs disclose what they’re doing. The measure faces stiff odds. […]