Category: government

US lets companies work with Huawei on 5G standards

[ad_1] The US is bending its hardline stance on Huawei… if only very slightly. The Commerce Department has instituted a rule allowing American companies to participate in developing standards where Huawei is involved, such as 5G wireless, AI and self-driving cars. Not surprisingly, the move has its roots in pride and pragmatism. The US doesn’t […]

Senators demand answers over Juniper Network’s 2015 backdoor incident

[ad_1] Back in 2015, networking equipment vendor Juniper Networks discovered unauthorized code in its software that created a backdoor, potentially allowing hackers to decrypt and spy on supposedly secure traffic. Now, officials want answers. A group of 13 senators has sent an open letter to the company, calling for the results of its internal investigation […]

FCC proposes record-setting $225 million fine against robocallers

[ad_1] The Ajit Pai-era FCC likes to make a big show of punishing robocallers, and that’s truer than ever in 2020. The regulator has proposed a record-setting $225 million fine against Texas-based health insurance telemarketers Jakob Mears and John Spiller for roughly 1 billion spoofed robocalls made between January and May 2019. The duo reportedly […]

France gives social media sites one hour to delete criminal content

[ad_1] The internet has no shortage of illegal media and verbiage. Social media companies do what they can to soften the blow, but unsavory (and downright criminal) images, videos and text inevitably break through. According to Reuters, France’s government has passed a strict law that will require companies like Facebook and Twitter to delete content […]

White House said to be in talks with Intel, TSMC for US chip factories

[ad_1] A TSMC spokesperson told the WSJ the company was “actively evaluating” plants in other countries, including the US, but that there was “no concrete plan.” The Department of Defense, meanwhile, didn’t directly confirm or deny the report but said chips were “certainly” a key part of the military’s supply chain concerns. There are a […]

Supreme Court broadcasts oral arguments live for the first time

[ad_1] CNBC noted that this pioneering case is relatively unremarkable, revolving around a attempt to trademark its name. There’s an incoming surge of higher-profile cases coming during this period, though, and the teleconferences might just shape perception of both the cases and the Supreme Court itself. As a general rule, the public only learns […]

Australia exposed data for over 774,000 migrants

[ad_1] Carelessness with data is dangerous as a general rule, but it’s particularly damaging when it affects vulnerable groups. The Australian government is facing criticism after its home affairs department left the personal details of over 774,000 existing and would-be migrants exposed online. As The Guardian observed, the country’s SkillsSelect digital platform made it all […]

France will start testing its COVID-19 tracking app the week of May 11th

[ad_1] France was one of the first countries scrambling to create a COVID-19 contact tracing app, and now it’s close to finding out how its app works in practice. Digital Affairs Minister Cedric O has stated (via Reuters) that France’s StopCOVID should enter real-world testing the week of May 11th, right as the country will […]

FCC ordered to provide IP addresses tied to fake net neutrality comments

[ad_1] The NYT reporters filed a Freedom of Information Request for the data after the FCC refused to show logs. In theory, they’ll show both the extent of fake commenting and help trace it back to groups that may have been involved. Investigations have suggested that over half of the comments are fake, and some […]

India requires all workers to use its COVID-19 tracking app

[ad_1] Like in other countries, widespread adoption of contact tracing apps could prove vital to curbing the spread of the new coronavirus. They might reduce or eliminate the need for further lockdowns while humanity waits for a vaccine. However, governments have generally shied away from requiring these apps, in part to assuage fears they might […]