Category: government

Senate bill would set privacy requirements for COVID-19 tracking

[ad_1] This would theoretically prevent Apple, Google and government agencies from collecting more data than they should, or funnelling it into the hands of marketers and others who might abuse it. However, privacy advocates are concerned it doesn’t do enough and might even worsen consumer safeguards. Public Knowledge Policy Counsel Sara Collins claimed that the […]

FCC won’t warn robocallers before fining them

[ad_1] Now that the FCC is no longer required to warn robocallers, it’s taking advantage of that expanded power. The regulator has issued an order ending warnings before it slaps spam callers with penalties. The new measure also extends the statute of limitations for robocall and spoofing from a respective one to two years to […]

Israel barred from COVID-19 phone tracking without new legislation

[ad_1] While the phone tracking hasn’t been detailed in earnest, it’s believed to involve anti-terrorism tech from the Shin Bet domestic security agency. The tracking was used to enforce quarantines, flagging infected people who left home. The government isn’t happy with the decision. Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz claimed the technology made a “critical contribution” to […]

Israel stops using phone tracking to enforce COVID-19 quarantines

[ad_1] Israel’s use of phone tracking technology to track COVID-19 patients has come to a partial end. A parliamentary oversight committee has halted use of the tracking to enforce quarantines after raising privacy concerns. The privacy violations outweigh the benefits, committee member Ayalet Shaked said — the phone monitoring tech doesn’t help much when police […]

Australia will make Facebook and Google pay for news content

[ad_1] Internet giants are about to face more government oversight in Australia. The country has ordered its Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to create a mandatory code of conduct that would ask Facebook, Google and others to pay news outlets when they use its content. The code would also dictate data sharing, news ranking and […]

Senate panel wants stricter oversight of Chinese telecoms

[ad_1] American officials have stepped their scrutiny of China over the years. Team Telecom has asked the FCC to revoke China Telecom’s license, and it’s no secret that the US has clamped down on equipment makers like Huawei and ZTE. However, this panel could help foster an even more aggressive stance. It’s not certain this […]

FCC, FTC give providers 48 hours to block COVID-19 scam robocalls

[ad_1] The de facto order is not-so-subtly aimed at VoIP providers accused of easing access for these scam callers, including Connexum, SIPJoin and VoIP Terminator/BLMarketing. It’s a drastic step, but it might be vital. Among the campaigns are bogus COVID-19 tests and cleaning services. These scams could rob people of money or even get someone […]

China, Huawei propose internet protocol with a built-in killswitch

[ad_1] There are also concerns that New IP would require authentication and authorization of not just new internet addresses, but also the humans involved and the data packets being sent. China has long called for linking real names to internet users, and this potentially links people to the very internet connection itself. New IP should […]

UK internet providers will lift data caps during COVID-19 pandemic

[ad_1] Telecoms will have to provide “alternative methods of communication” if the outbreak prevents repairs to landlines. They’ll likewise have to ensure customers are “treated fairly” if they have a hard time paying their bills. ISPs have already made some accommodations of their own, but this should ensure a consistent level of service across these […]

Senators ask Alphabet how it will protect COVID-19 screening site data

[ad_1] The senators are concerned that any shortfalls in protection could leave people vulnerable to “identity theft, negative credit decisions, and employment discrimination,” pointing to data breaches at companies like Equifax as an example of what can go wrong. They also asked who exactly was in charge, with “specific concerns” about Google given its extensive […]