Category: Hack

US charges Chinese nationals with laundering cryptocurrency for North Korea

[ad_1] While Yinyin’s and Jiadong’s involvement goes as far back as 2017, the DOJ’s announcement puts emphasis on a massive hack that occurred in 2018. Pyongyang hackers apparently stole $250 million from a virtual currency exchange that year and then had the funds laundered through hundreds of automated cryptocurrency transactions. They evaded being caught by […]

Vinyl cover maker Slickwraps coughs up customer info in a data breach

[ad_1] In an email sent to customers this morning, Slickwraps says an “unauthorized party” accessed its private databases, and obtained customer names, emails and addresses. Slickwraps claims passwords and credit card information weren’t compromised. “We are deeply sorry for this oversight. We promise to learn from this mistake and will make improvements going forward. This […]

‘OurMine’ group hijacks Twitter accounts for Olympics and FC Barcelona

[ad_1] The social network said it locked down the accounts and was “working closely” with partners to restore them. The International Olympic Committee said it was “investigating a potential breach” into the accounts, while FC Barcelona said it would run a “cybersecurity audit” that included reviewing its “protocols and links with third-party tools.” These aren’t […]

Google spent a record sum rewarding researchers for hacking its products

[ad_1] Google’s Vulnerability Reward Programs (VRP) have been around since 2010, designed to reward researchers for discovering bugs and flaws that Google might have missed. The initiative has expanded steadily since then to cover its other products, including Chrome and Android, and last year the company extended its Google Play security reward arm to include […]

UN calls for investigation into alleged Saudi hacking of Jeff Bezos

[ad_1] The team added that this was evidence of the problems with the unregulated sale and use of spyware for surveillance purposes. These tools should be governed by “the most rigorous control” to prevent abuse, and that there should be a “moratorium” on selling and transferring the technology. Saudi Arabia has called the WhatsApp hack […]

Guardian: Saudi prince’s account used to hack Jeff Bezos via WhatsApp

[ad_1] The breach was apparently carried out in early May 2018, when Bezos received an unsolicited message from the crown prince — or an entity in control of his WhatsApp account. That message allegedly contained a video file that forensic analysis later concluded was highly likely to contain malware that allowed “large amounts of data” […]

Travelex hack knocks out Samsung Pay international money transfers

[ad_1] In a call, a customer service representative for Travelex confirmed that Samsung Pay payments are down and will continue to be until Travelex resolves the ongoing issue. Any users attempting to make a transfer will be unable to complete the process. While a number of Britain’s biggest banks have been affected by the attack, […]

UK investigates if cyberattack led to stock exchange outage

[ad_1] The exchange contracts development out to third-party teams, and a WSJ contact said it’s concerned about the security of that software chain. There’s a risk that the inadvertent spread of malware or rogue contractors could pose problems. An exchange spokesperson maintained that the outage was due to a “technical software configuration issue” after an […]

Techno-thriller ‘Mr. Robot’ ends on a mind-melting high

[ad_1] The final season of Sam Esmail’s acclaimed techno-thriller crystalized what fans have long suspected: that the show is, and always was, about the link between hero Elliot Alderson and a bespectacled hacker wearing a frayed Mr. Robot patch on his jacket. From the jump, it was obvious that Elliot was a complicated hero. The […]

'Fallout 76' hackers wiped out players' inventories

[ad_1] If you play Fallout 76 you might want to avoid public servers for a while. According to multiple posts on the game's Reddit forums — and confirmed by publisher Bethesda — hackers have attacked public servers and wiped out the inventories of more th… [ad_2] Source link