Category: hackers

Garmin reportedly paid millions to resolve its recent ransomware attack

[ad_1] It hasn’t been revealed who was behind the attack nor to whom a ransom (if any) was paid. Some security researchers believe the WastedLocker ransomware (said to be the cause of the outage) is linked to a Russia-based group of cybercriminals known as Evil Corp. The US Treasury sanctioned that organization last year, accusing […]

A security breach opened up access to a genealogy site’s DNA profiles

[ad_1] According to Verogen, the company that recently purchased GEDmatch, no user data was downloaded or compromised. But two days later, the genealogy website MyHeritage alerted users to a phishing scheme that targeted people who used both MyHeritage and GEDmatch. In a statement posted online, the company said it suspects the attackers may have gleaned […]

Twitter confirms one elected official had DMs accessed in hack

[ad_1] Twitter didn’t identify the politician, but reports indicate it was the Dutch Party of Freedom leader Geert Wilders. The company didn’t address which other accounts may have had their inboxes accessed. The hack ensnared a number of high-profile users, including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Kanye West. The update does suggest that […]

US charges two Chinese hackers with trying to steal COVID-19 research

[ad_1] According to the indictment, the hackers were working both for the Chinese government’s Ministry of State Security and for their own personal gain. At the moment, there’s no indication that they obtained any COVID-19 research. “China has now taken its place, alongside Russia, Iran and North Korea, in that shameful club of nations that […]

Twitter hack reportedly originated with posts on a gray market forum

[ad_1] Krebs says his investigation found that the Twitter hack originated with a scheme to steal some of these types of “OG” accounts. Hours before the crypto scammers managed to get into the accounts of Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, “the attackers appear to have focused their attention on hijacking a handful of OG accounts, […]

The FBI is investigating the Twitter Bitcoin hack

[ad_1] Reuters had previously reported the FBI would launch an investigation into the hack. The FBI inquiry is now one of multiple investigations into the incident, which has drawn scrutiny from a number of officials. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo also announced an investigation into the attack. Cuomo said the hack was “deeply troubling and […]

Senators demand answers over Juniper Network’s 2015 backdoor incident

[ad_1] Back in 2015, networking equipment vendor Juniper Networks discovered unauthorized code in its software that created a backdoor, potentially allowing hackers to decrypt and spy on supposedly secure traffic. Now, officials want answers. A group of 13 senators has sent an open letter to the company, calling for the results of its internal investigation […]

Hackers targeted the UK’s coronavirus vaccine research

[ad_1] The hackers attempted to access sensitive data related to the UK’s coronavirus response, including work that the country has done to develop a vaccine. The hacking attempts weren’t overly sophisticated. In most instances, the hackers tried to phish people with misleading links and take advantage of weak passwords. However, they were serious enough that […]

Google says state-backed hackers are targeting Trump and Biden campaigns

[ad_1] Google’s security researchers say state-backed hackers from Iran and China have targeted the Trump and Biden presidential campaigns, respectively. The state-backed actors sent phishing scam attempts to the personal email accounts of campaign staff. According to Google, there are no signs that the attempts were successful, and Google has notified both campaigns. Recently TAG […]