Category: hacking

The switch to remote learning has made schools even bigger cyber targets

[ad_1] The rise of home schooling has seen a spike in hacking attempts against educational institutions, said third-party security researchers Check Point. Its latest paper claims that the USA has seen the biggest increase, with academic sector attacks rising 30 percent from 468 per week to 608 per week. Europe and Asia have both seen […]

Yubico’s latest security key uses NFC or USB-C for authentication

[ad_1] It supports multiple authentication protocols including FIDO2, FIDO U2F, smart card (PIV), Yubico OTP, OpenPGP, OATH-TOTP, OATH-HOTP and Challenge-Response — all on a single device. That means it’ll work with most password managers, along with social media platforms, collaboration tools and browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge. The main difference with the latest model […]

Former Uber security chief arrested for covering up 2016 hack

[ad_1] In addition to obstruction of justice, prosecutors charged Sullivan with failing to share knowledge of a felony. In total, he faces up to eight years in prison if convicted of both charges.  “We expect good corporate citizenship,” said US Attorney David L. Anderson. “We expect prompt reporting of criminal conduct. We expect cooperation with […]

Hackers defaced dozens of Reddit communities with pro-Trump messages

[ad_1] If your favorite Reddit community looked like a political billboard on August 7th, you can blame it on hackers. Both Motherboard and ZDNet report that hackers defaced dozens of subreddits with pro-Trump messages, including major subreddits like r/food and r/space as well as numerous communities devoted to sports and TV shows. The affected communities […]

Canon hit by possible ransomware attack with 10TB of data stolen

[ad_1] Its systems were reportedly seized by Maze, a group that exfiltrates data before encrypting and locking off systems. Bleeping Computer obtained a partial screenshot of the purported ransom note sent to Canon, and said that Maze confirmed that it had stolen “10 terabytes of data, private databases, etc.” as part of the attack. By […]

Malware writer pleads guilty to helping $568 million cybercrime ring

[ad_1] The group was created in 2010 and became a hub for thieves hoping to buy goods with fake and stolen payment cards. It was reportedly sophisticated, with members offering automated vending sites, a screening process and even an escrow service to help complete transactions. The Justice Department counted 10,901 registered members by March 2017. […]

Twitter confirms ‘Bitcoin’ hackers copied the data of several accounts

[ad_1] Our investigation and cooperation with law enforcement continues, and we remain committed to sharing any updates here. More to come via @TwitterSupport as our investigation continues. — Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 18, 2020 Late Friday night, Twitter confirmed that its investigation shows attackers exported the data on “up to eight of the accounts involved,” […]

Everything we know about the Twitter Bitcoin hack

[ad_1] Most of these accounts tweeted some variant of the same message: If someone were to send Bitcoin to the address specified in the tweets during a 30-minute window, the account owner would return double the amount. These outsized claims succeeded in tricking some people into sending over valuable cryptocurrency, but no crypto was ever […]

Twitter claims ‘social engineering attack’ led to crypto scam tweets

[ad_1] In its first detailed statements since someone took over a number of high profile accounts Wednesday afternoon, Twitter posted a thread explaining “what we know so far.” While rumors have swirled about what may have caused a compromise that gave hackers access to Twitter accounts for Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Apple, Kanye […]

DOJ indicts ‘fxmsp’ hacker who reportedly breached hundreds of companies

[ad_1] Group-IB’s report says fxmsp and his group sold network access to hotel chains, banks and other financial firms, making at least $1.5 million from their operation. As a result of their activities, their victims reportedly lost tens of millions of dollars to malware and network damage. They’ve been inactive since last year after fxmsp […]