Category: hacking

NYT: Experts find evidence Russians hacked Ukrainian gas company

[ad_1] In 2016, hackers released emails from the Democratic National Committee they accessed after using a targeted attack against Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager. Area 1, a security firm that specializes in defense against phishing, says that they discovered a network of fake websites used by the G.R.U., a Russian military intelligence unit, built to target […]

UK investigates if cyberattack led to stock exchange outage

[ad_1] The exchange contracts development out to third-party teams, and a WSJ contact said it’s concerned about the security of that software chain. There’s a risk that the inadvertent spread of malware or rogue contractors could pose problems. An exchange spokesperson maintained that the outage was due to a “technical software configuration issue” after an […]

Techno-thriller ‘Mr. Robot’ ends on a mind-melting high

[ad_1] The final season of Sam Esmail’s acclaimed techno-thriller crystalized what fans have long suspected: that the show is, and always was, about the link between hero Elliot Alderson and a bespectacled hacker wearing a frayed Mr. Robot patch on his jacket. From the jump, it was obvious that Elliot was a complicated hero. The […]

FBI program helps companies fool hackers with ‘decoy data’

[ad_1] Although the FBI isn’t sharing the finer details of how IDLE works, an official told Ars it mixes data within existing data structures to make it appear authentic. A hacker couldn’t just grab data in bulk and expect it all to be useful, and merely downloading the decoys could warn IT staff that something […]

Hackers targeted BMW, Hyundai in hunt for trade secrets

[ad_1] BMW declined to comment on the specific case, saying instead that it had “structures and processes” that both limited external hacking attempts and would let it quickly spot and recover from intrusions. Hyundai hasn’t responded to requests for comment so far. The culprits may have been easy to identify, though. OceanLotus (aka APT32 or […]

Amazon Echo Show falls victim to an old flaw at hacking contest

[ad_1] The patch gap was a “common factor” in many of the Internet of Things hacks at the contest, Gorenc added. This was the first time contestants could target devices in the Home Automation category, and there were a number of firsts beyond that. Fluoroacetate also compromised a Sony X800G TV (the first television target […]

Chinese hacking group targeted governments in six countries

[ad_1] As uncovered by enterprise security company Positive Technologies, the Calypso APT (or Advanced Persistent Threat) group has been active since 2016 and has targeted state institutions in India, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Russia, Thailand and Turkey. The attacks worked by hacking the perimeter of an organization’s systems, then using special utilities and malware to gain access […]

iPhone exploit could allow permanent jailbreak for millions of devices

[ad_1] Twitter user axi0mX revealed the bootrom exploit, dubbed checkm8, that makes it possible to jailbreak the devices. As The Verge explains, bootrom exploits take advantage of a vulnerability in the initial code that iOS devices load when they boot up. Because it’s read-only memory (ROM), Apple can’t overwrite or patch it through a software […]

Apple re-fixes a bug that let users jailbreak iPhones

[ad_1] This current update fixes a kernel vulnerability that would have allowed an attacker to “execute arbitrary code with system privileges” on an iPhone or iPad. Apple also mentioned Pwn20wnd, the hacker that released the public jailbreak. “We would like to acknowledge @Pwn20wnd for their assistance,” the company wrote in a security update. As you […]

How legendary hackers wound up working for the CIA

[ad_1] Cult of the Dead Cow: How the Original Hacking Supergroup Might Just Save the Worldby Joseph Menn The internet as we know it today would not exist but for the Cult of the Dead Cow. The cDc is among America’s oldest and most venerated hacking collectives. They invented hackivism, helped develop Tor, forced Microsoft […]