Category: hate

Facebook removes massive QAnon group over hate and harassment claims

[ad_1] Facebook just took down one of the larger targets in its crackdown on QAnon conspiracy theories. The social network told Reuters that it had removed Official Q/Qanon, a group with almost 200,000 members, after multiple posts reportedly violated policies against harassment, hate, and potentially harmful misinformation. The shutdown took effect August 4th, Facebook said, […]

Starbucks pauses all social media ads over hate speech concerns

[ad_1] However long the pause lasts, Starbucks is adding to a list of major brands pulling their ads (largely from Facebook) to press for change, including Coca-Cola, Honda, Hershey and Engadget’s parent company Verizon. Facebook said it wouldn’t make policy changes in response to financial pressure, but nonetheless said it would label politicians’ posts when […]

Facebook pulls nearly 200 accounts connected to hate groups

[ad_1] Facebook is continuing its fight against hate, and this time with an added degree of urgency. The social network has confirmed to the Associated Press (via The Verge) that it removed nearly 200 accounts for users linked to hate groups like the Proud Boys and American Guard, both of which were previously banned. The […]

‘Call of Duty’ developer will further crack down on racist players

[ad_1] Activision and Infinity Ward are responding to Black Lives Matter protests with more than delayed Call of Duty seasons. Infinity Ward has vowed to crack down harder on racism in its military shooters, including more efforts to monitor and identify racist material, more in-game reporting systems and increasing the number of permanent bans to […]

Twitter will delete hate speech related to age, disability and disease

[ad_1] The decision is part of an ongoing effort by the company to better protect its users. In 2018, people from approximately 30 countries sent in 8,000 responses to a survey the company conducted. The most consistent feedback the company got was that it needed to make the language of its harmful conduct policy clearer. […]

Congress plans to investigate how social media giants are fighting hate

[ad_1] The bill would create a “national commission” at the Department of Homeland Security. The commission would have the authority to hold hearings and issue subpoenas. It would also create a social media task force to coordinate the government’s response to security issues. The legislation could be introduced as soon as next week, The Washington […]

YouTube’s channel removals soar following hate speech crackdown

[ad_1] Content overseers are apparently moving quickly, too. The nearly 30,000 videos pulled for hate speech in the past month produced only three percent of the views that knitting videos did. The service also used the news as an opportunity to boast about its automated video flagging. Machine learning was the first to catch 87 […]

Beto O’Rourke wants to hold internet companies liable for hate speech

[ad_1] O’Rourke’s proposals would also demand that bigger internet platforms have terms of service banning “hateful activities” that foster violence, harassment, threats and defamation based on a host of cultural and physical traits, including skin color, religion, gender identity and immigration status. Companies would have to implement systems that identify and clamp down on this […]

YouTube declines to pull videos containing homophobic, racist attacks

[ad_1] The service said it had conducted a review of the videos and said there was language that was “clearly hurtful,” but that there hadn’t been policy violations. In a response to Gizmodo, a Google spokesperson also claimed that Crowder was only “debating” Maza’s opinions, and was off the hook as he hadn’t directly “instructed” […]

Facebook pulled over 1.5 million videos of New Zealand shooting

[ad_1] The shooter wore a head-mounted camera to livestream the attack, and in his social posts and manifesto suggested that he wanted to stoke tensions that supported his anti-immigrant agenda. There’s been a concern that spreading the video is giving the attacker the exposure he wanted in addition to traumatizing viewers. While the removal rate […]