Category: hate speech

Facebook will fight misinformation linked to the 2020 US census

[ad_1] The audit also signals changes in other areas, including how it studies civil rights issues once the audit is over. The civil rights task force created in December will be formalized and take on additional “expertise” across a range of issues, including voting rights experts who’ll recognize trends in voter suppression. Every senior leader […]

Facebook will share data on hate speech suspects with French courts

[ad_1] The company has previously provided French judges with data it has related to people suspected of terrorism and violent acts. Facebook’s head of global affairs Nick Clegg and O met last week, and the company has reportedly agreed to expand its data sharing practices to hate speech suspects. Engadget has contacted Facebook for comment. […]

YouTube will remove some hate speech and conspiracy videos

[ad_1] “Today, we’re taking another step in our hate speech policy by specifically prohibiting videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion based on qualities like age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status,” it said in a blog post. It also prohibits videos that promote […]

YouTube declines to pull videos containing homophobic, racist attacks

[ad_1] The service said it had conducted a review of the videos and said there was language that was “clearly hurtful,” but that there hadn’t been policy violations. In a response to Gizmodo, a Google spokesperson also claimed that Crowder was only “debating” Maza’s opinions, and was off the hook as he hadn’t directly “instructed” […]

Austria draft law would require real names for internet comments

[ad_1] It would only affect sites with more than 100,000 registered users, bring in revenues above €500,000 per year or receive press subsidies larger than €50,000. There would also be exemptions for e-commerce sites as well as those that don’t earn money from either ads or the content itself. If passed and cleared by the […]

Christchurch, we need more than digital-security theater

[ad_1] That’s why I thought that article might be good to share, to help people avoid the trauma of viewing videos like that. After all, these videos are injected without consent into our online spaces with the intent to harm us, and inspire further violence. There was one huge problem: The article’s instructions require you […]

Instagram is the latest hotbed for conspiracy theories

[ad_1] Like its social media peers, Instagram has the algorithms and huge user base to share information with millions. But the platform stands out because so many of its subscribers are so young — and as you might guess, many are naive enough to believe conspiracy memes. That’s especially alarming, as more teens are using […]

A New Zealand shooting video hit YouTube every second this weekend

[ad_1] The speed at which the videos were uploaded forced YouTube to take unprecedented measures. Under standard protocol, YouTube’s software flags troublesome content, which human moderators then review. But because the system was inundated, it let the AI software both flag and remove content it suspected to be problematic. As Neal Mohan, YouTube’s chief product […]

Facebook pulled over 1.5 million videos of New Zealand shooting

[ad_1] The shooter wore a head-mounted camera to livestream the attack, and in his social posts and manifesto suggested that he wanted to stoke tensions that supported his anti-immigrant agenda. There’s been a concern that spreading the video is giving the attacker the exposure he wanted in addition to traumatizing viewers. While the removal rate […]

Slack removed 28 accounts with ties to hate groups

[ad_1] While Slack’s Acceptable Use Policy doesn’t explicitly mention hate speech, the company said in a statement, “The use of Slack by hate groups runs counter to everything we believe in at Slack and is not welcome on our platform… Using Slack to encourage or incite hatred and violence against groups or individuals because of […]