Category: hatespeech

Facebook is using bots to figure out how to stop harassment

[ad_1] In the testing environment, known as WW, the bots take actions like trying to buy and sell forbidden items, such as guns and drugs. The bot can use Facebook like a normal person would, conducting searches and visiting pages. Engineers can then test whether the bot can bypass safeguards and violate Community Standards, according […]

Cloudflare cuts off extremist site 8chan after multiple shootings

[ad_1] Cloudflare has been reluctant to pull its services from extremist websites, citing free speech issues. One of the few times it has notably done so in the past, it ended support for another white extremist site, the Daily Stormer. At least 20 people were killed and 24 injured in El Paso attack, which Texas […]

Facebook will share data on hate speech suspects with French courts

[ad_1] The company has previously provided French judges with data it has related to people suspected of terrorism and violent acts. Facebook’s head of global affairs Nick Clegg and O met last week, and the company has reportedly agreed to expand its data sharing practices to hate speech suspects. Engadget has contacted Facebook for comment. […]

YouTube will remove some hate speech and conspiracy videos

[ad_1] “Today, we’re taking another step in our hate speech policy by specifically prohibiting videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion based on qualities like age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status,” it said in a blog post. It also prohibits videos that promote […]

Facebook pulled over 1.5 million videos of New Zealand shooting

[ad_1] The shooter wore a head-mounted camera to livestream the attack, and in his social posts and manifesto suggested that he wanted to stoke tensions that supported his anti-immigrant agenda. There’s been a concern that spreading the video is giving the attacker the exposure he wanted in addition to traumatizing viewers. While the removal rate […]