Category: hiv

Scientist who edited babies’ genes sentenced to three years in prison

[ad_1] He will also pay a 3 million yuan ($429,000) fine and be banned from reproductive medicine for life. His co-workers, Zhang Renli and Qin Jinzhou, will also receive prison terms of two years and 18 months, respectively, on top of fines and bans. There were a total of ten authors on the scientific paper […]

Ads on Facebook are spreading misinformation about anti-HIV drugs

[ad_1] GLAAD said it contacted Facebook’s public policy team and reached out to five fact-checking agencies, but the social network answered by pointing to a public ad policy page explaining why ads can be removed. In response, GLAAD posted an open letter asking Facebook to remove the ads, with support coming from 50 organizations, New […]

Strawberry-flavored HIV medicine could save thousands of children

[ad_1] The medicine includes four recommended antiretroviral drugs and doesn’t require refrigeration — important in Africa, where warm temperatures and inconsistent electricity are frequently issues. Crucially, it’s relatively inexpensive. Quadrimune will cost less than $1 per day for a child between 20 to 30 pounds, and 50 cents per day for younger children. While that […]