Category: house

Washington state approves stronger facial recognition regulations

[ad_1] The House and the Senate originally couldn’t agree on the language used for Senate Bill 6280. After a series of negotiations, though, they were able to decide on a final version of the bill, which the lawmakers say is “one of the first and most comprehensive laws to regulate facial recognition technology in the […]

A House bill could cap the concentration of nicotine in e-cigs

[ad_1] The European Union enforces a similar cap, but the US does not currently have a national standard. According to CNN, Juul’s five-percent pods have 59 mg/ml. Juul has said that’s equivalent to the nicotine-per-puff ratio in a pack of cigarettes. Some say the high-nicotine content in vape products is one reason the rate of […]

Congress plans to investigate how social media giants are fighting hate

[ad_1] The bill would create a “national commission” at the Department of Homeland Security. The commission would have the authority to hold hearings and issue subpoenas. It would also create a social media task force to coordinate the government’s response to security issues. The legislation could be introduced as soon as next week, The Washington […]

House passes bipartisan bill to stop illegal robocalls

[ad_1] The Stopping Bad Robocalls Act requires carriers to authenticate every call and to offer opt-out blocking for free. To make that possible, it also supports the rapid implementation of call authentication technologies. The FCC will have to adopt critical consumer protections and to report its efforts against illegal callers to Congress if the bill […]

House Judiciary panel to grill Google and Facebook on hate speech

[ad_1] The Committee’s announcement calls social media platforms “world-wide conduits to spread vitriolic hate messages into every home and country.” During its hearing on the 9th, it’s hoping to examine hate crimes, the spread of white identity ideology and the impact of white nationalist groups on communities. It’s also hoping to conjure up and foster […]