Category: ibm

Code compiler pioneer Frances Allen dies at 88

[ad_1] Allen was also instrumental to advancing women in technology. Apart from being one of the relatively few women participating in early work on computers (she joined IBM as a code instructor in 1957), she made a point to support women and served as a mentor. Half the experimental compiler group at IBM was made […]

IBM stops work on facial recognition over human rights concerns

[ad_1] Krishna’s letter was part of a broader call on Congress to push for broader police accountability and conduct reforms, including some that were already part of the recently introduced Justice in Policing Act of 2020. The move comes in the midst of protests over police brutality and discrimination, and not long after Clearview AI’s […]

IBM toolkit keeps data encrypted in iPhone and Mac apps while in use

[ad_1] It’s now more practical to keep data encrypted while you use it, provided you’re using an Apple device. IBM has released (via ZDNet) a toolkit that makes it easier to implement fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) in iOS and macOS apps. In theory, hackers will have a tougher time prying on certain kinds of sensitive […]

The Weather Channel brings localized COVID-19 updates to your phone

[ad_1] This new coronavirus tracking will be available in The Weather Channel iOS and Android apps, on and in an online dashboard. The offerings include AI-powered “Incident Maps,” which show stats like confirmed COVID-19 cases by US state and county, and trend graphs that show spread by US state. There are links to the […]

IBM and Microsoft support the Vatican’s guidelines for ethical AI

[ad_1] The pledge, presented to Pope Francis today, calls for AI that safeguards the rights of all humans, especially the underprivileged, and for new regulations in areas like facial recognition. It asks tech leaders to “humanise technology and not ‘technologise’ humanity,” Novena News reports. “The Vatican is not an expert on the technology but on […]

Coronavirus bursts Big Tech’s bubble

[ad_1] During RSA’s second day, the City of San Francisco declared a State of Emergency. By day three, California confirmed its first Coronavirus case of unknown origin, sending the world outside RSA into a tailspin. Needless to say, this was not one of the viruses 40,000 infosec professionals were looking for. However, RSA is a […]

IBM CEO Virginia Rometty is retiring

[ad_1] Rometty said in a statement: “Arvind has grown IBM’s Cloud and Cognitive Software business and led the largest acquisition in the company’s history. Through his multiple experiences running businesses in IBM, Arvind has built an outstanding track record of bold transformations and proven business results, and is an authentic, values-driven leader. He is well-positioned […]

IBM uses AI to predict progress of Huntington’s disease symptoms

[ad_1] The existing understanding of the disease only indicates that symptoms tend to materialize between the ages of 30 and 50, not which symptoms and how they’ll evolve. The researchers are “optimistic” that a single MRI scan could produce more accurate estimates of functional decline across multiple categories. It wouldn’t result in better treatment by […]

IBM’s cobalt-free EV battery uses materials extracted from seawater

[ad_1] According to IBM, the new design could outperform current lithium-ion batteries in cost, charging time (less than five minutes to reach an 80 percent charge), power density and energy efficiency. The battery is also less flammable, and it could be used in aircraft and smart energy grids, as well as electric cars and trucks. […]

Hitting the Books: How police tech reinforces America’s racial segregation

[ad_1] Black Software: The Internet and Racial Justice, from the AfroNet to Black Lives Matterby Charlton D. McIlwain Ring’s effort to cozy up with law enforcement agencies and launch a citizen-installed surveillance state is undoubtedly a danger to our civil liberties but the doorbell camera company is far from the first corporation willing to leverage […]