Category: immigration

Supreme Court rejects Trump’s attempt to end DACA

[ad_1] Hundreds of CEOs signed a letter urging Trump to keep DACA. Those included Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Warren Buffett. Leaders from Airbnb, Dropbox, eBay, Fitbit, Foursquare, GoFundMe, LinkedIn, Lyft, Netflix, Netgear, Pandora, Tesla, Tumblr and Uber also […]

Federal agencies reportedly bought phone location data to track immigrants

[ad_1] The WSJ reports law enforcement agencies such as US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have used this data to find leads on illegal immigrants and border crossings. In one case, for example, the agency used the data to uncover an underground tunnel that ran between Mexico and a closed KFC in San Luis, Arizona. […]

Recommended Reading: The ICE surveillance playbook

[ad_1] How ICE picks its targets in the surveillance ageMcKenzie Funk,The New York Times Through the lens of officers operating in the Pacific Northwest, The New York Times explains how Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) collects information on possible targets. That includes monitoring social media accounts and tapping into “the world’s largest privately run database […]

Tim Cook disputes Trump immigration policy in Supreme Court filing

[ad_1] The company also noted that it employed 443 Dreamers (DACA recipients) who “embody Apple’s innovation strategy” by being some of the company’s “most driven and selfless” staff. Moreover, it observed that immigration was central to Apple’s story — the late Steve Jobs was the son of a Syrian immigrant. The company has filed amicus […]

Homeland Security details social media collection from immigrants

[ad_1] The AP said in June that Homeland Security was planning to expand its social media collection, but there haven’t been details until now. There have been numerous objections to Homeland Security’s practices, particularly since the visa requirements took effect in May. It’s not clear just how investigators conduct searches, or what they’re specifically looking […]

Harvard student deported based on friends’ social media posts

[ad_1] Ajjawi added that an officer asked him to unlock his laptop and phone for searches, and left with them for five hours before raising questions about the teen’s social media friends. He’s retaining a lawyer in hopes of reversing the visa decision. Unfortunately, this doesn’t appear to be completely unique. The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee […]

Air travelers entering US face long delays as CBP computers crash

[ad_1] Nationwide outage of US CBP computer systems. Easily 5,000+ passengers in line at Dulles. — Rebekah Tromble (@RebekahKTromble) August 16, 2019 According to officials at the JFK Airport in New York, the issue has impacted the processing system nationwide but airports have already begun to switch over to an older (albeit slower) backup. […]

A popular immigration bill is bad news for US esports

[ad_1] “If you look at Overwatch League, it’s predominantly Korean teams,” Doi said. “It gets increasingly more difficult for players like CS:GO teams, they tend to be from western Europe. A lot of the LCS players are from Canada. Even the Canadians, even though they’re North American players, they need a visa to come and […]

US now requires social media info for visa applications

[ad_1] Applicants also have to provide previous email addresses and phone numbers on top of non-communications info like their travel statuses and any family involvement in terrorism. Some diplomats and officials are exempt from the requirements. The US had previously only required these details for people who visited terrorist-controlled areas. The goal is the same, […]

PayPal and GoFundMe cut off donations to militia detaining migrants

[ad_1] The group has been accused of not only detaining migrants at gunpoint, violating citizen’s arrest limits, but of impersonating law enforcement. Mark Cheney, who describes himself as a commander for UCP, denied that the group had used online donations for weapons. However, he acknowledged that the cutoff “killed” the group’s resources — it’s scrambling […]