Category: India

India’s Vikram lunar lander lost contact during its descent

[ad_1] Today India attempted to become only the fourth nation to successfully soft-land on the surface of the Moon. That mission appears to have failed, when the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) lost contact with its Vikram lander at an altitude of 2.1km above the lunar surface. The space agency has said only that it […]

Apple will reportedly start online sales in India

[ad_1] It’s a significant development for Apple, which only has a small presence in the nation of more than a billion people. Chinese Android phone makers and Microsoft Windows have largely been the technology of choice for people in the subcontinent. This is chiefly due to India’s foreign direct investment rules (FDI), which required companies […]

‘World’s first’ solar-powered rail line opens in the UK

[ad_1] Several UK train stations already run on solar. Network Rail, which manages most of the railway infrastructure on the British mainland, has earmarked billions of pounds to electrify rail lines, and aims to do so with solar power if the pilot project is successful. The UK government aims to eliminate the use of diesel […]

After Math: Never stop not watching

[ad_1] Even as the price of a Netflix subscription continues to creep steadily higher here in the States, the streaming service announced this week that it is rolling out a low cost plan for television fans in India. The only catch to the $3/month scheme is that you have to watch everything on your phone. […]

Modern surveillance and ‘the science of happiness’

[ad_1] The Next Billion Users: Digital Life Beyond the Westby Payal Arora Even as cities across the US grapple with the spectre of omnipresent, automated government surveillance, and the existential threat to civil liberties that the technology holds, a number of nations around the globe have adopted these tools to monitor the lowest, and coincidentally […]

Watch India launch a historic Moon mission starting at 5PM ET

[ad_1] The mission is getting started with India’s most powerful launch rocket to date, the GSLV Mk III-M1. It’s going to be a long while before you can see the landing itself. Vikram won’t be ready to touch down until September 6th. If successful, though, it will represent a major milestone for India’s spacefaring ambitions. […]

India tells scooter makers to prepare for a switch to EVs

[ad_1] If you’ll recall, the country’s government is currently considering a set of proposed rules for clean mobility. Under those rules, ride-hailing services like Uber would have to ensure that 40 percent of their fleet is electric by 2026. Also, starting in 2025, all scooters and motorbikes with an engine capacity of more than 150cc […]

India plans to launch space station by 2030

[ad_1] More details are expected to come after India’s first human mission in 2022. It’s currently focused on an uncrewed lander mission to the Moon that should launch on July 15th. If everything goes according to plan, this will make India part of a very exclusive club. Apart from the partner countries involved with the […]

Indian streaming giant broke Safari support to deal with security hole

[ad_1] The company publicly blamed “technical limitations” in Safari for the sudden lack of support, but the tipsters said this wasn’t the truth. They instead said that Hotstar fully intended on restoring Safari support once it had patched the flaw on its side, and the site appeared to have resumed working at the time we […]

Proposed rules in India could force Uber to go electric

[ad_1] In addition, the companies would have to start converting their fleet next year and to achieve 2.5 percent electrification by 2021 under the rules. Five percent of their vehicles need to be EVs the year after that. By 2023, they need to reach 10 percent electrification, until they get to 40 percent by 2026. […]