Category: infosec

How it feels to survive Silicon Valley and a pandemic

[ad_1] If RSA’s attendees were even able to score an Airbnb, it was second to the tech companies who’d, for years, packed employees into expensive rentals that once were on the normal-person market. Companies whose fat salaries also pushed rents out of reach for locals. Both had ensured a steady flow of evictions among artists, […]

Yes, the Patriot Act amendment to track us online is real

[ad_1] Interestingly, one “Big Browser” company has a feature that’s a useful tool in this context. Like the way Apple can’t “read” your iPhone’s data (specifically, Apple can’t decrypt it), Google can only share what it can “read.” You can password protect your Chrome data by following the instructions here.  Anyway, to validate the concerns […]

How to secure your video calls like a pro

[ad_1] Don’t give up. Because security and privacy nerds around the world have been going through the same thing as you, and we’ve got solutions. They all kind of suck 5m3photos via Getty Images The first thing to understand about the variety of videoconferencing apps is that none of them are great. All of them […]

Zoom is now ‘the Facebook of video apps’

[ad_1] Which is why it’s especially cynical for many of us that Google banned employees from using Zoom’s shady desktop app on the same day that Zoom hired Facebook’s former security bobblehead as a consultant on its hazy privacy and security triage campaign. Everyone working remotely:ZOOM monitors the activity on your computer and collects data […]

The surveillance profiteers of COVID-19 are here

[ad_1] These normally privacy-forward sources are saying this in response to the pandemic, obviously. But it’s also because companies that track, target, identify and surveil individuals are pitching their technologies to ID and trace the infected — in shady backroom discussions with the White House. The pandemic has us all in vulnerable positions, and some […]

Coronavirus bursts Big Tech’s bubble

[ad_1] During RSA’s second day, the City of San Francisco declared a State of Emergency. By day three, California confirmed its first Coronavirus case of unknown origin, sending the world outside RSA into a tailspin. Needless to say, this was not one of the viruses 40,000 infosec professionals were looking for. However, RSA is a […]

It doesn’t matter if China hacked Equifax

[ad_1] It was a message of PR reprieve for the skinsuits at Equifax, who spend their life cycles profiting from tracking and trading our personal and financial information (and we’re powerless to stop them). Especially now as we’re seeing reports about how four Chinese hackers “took down Equifax.” That sure sounds a lot better (for […]

Phishing scams leveled up, and we didn’t

[ad_1] In case you missed it, on January 22nd The Guardian reported, “Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos had his mobile phone ‘hacked’ in 2018 after receiving a WhatsApp message that had apparently been sent from the personal account of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.” According to the now-contested report by FTI Consulting cited by The […]

How home assistants ruined us, an explanation

[ad_1] Understandably, everyone is doing their introspection right now; their year- and decade-end summaries of what was most dreadful in tech, and what lead to this mess we’re all in. I can assure you that one of the key factors is what we have come to call The Internet of Shit and how we’ve embraced […]

How did Google get Pixel 4 face unlock this wrong?

[ad_1] If you’re a privacy and security nerd, or pay attention to headlines about hack attacks at all, the “eyes closed” issue with Pixel 4 tears at the already-frayed edges of your sanity. Imagining everything that could go wrong with your security and log-in tool should be everyone’s job on every team, everywhere, especially at […]