Category: Instagram

Facebook explores folding Messenger back into the main app

[ad_1] So why is Facebook going back to 2011? According to Wong, the company is starting to lay the groundwork for integrated messaging across all its services. The company reportedly plans to unify its Whatsapp, Messenger and Instagram messaging apps, adding end-to-end encryption to ensure user privacy. They’ll continue to work as standalone apps, but […]

An Instagram bug briefly showed Stories to strangers

[ad_1] According to the company, the bug “caused a small number of people’s Instagram Stories trays to show accounts they don’t follow.” The full Stories did not load if the accounts were private. Instagram says it corrected the issue in a matter of hours and believes only a small percentage of accounts were impacted. But […]

Facebook will pull its apps from Windows Phone on April 30th

[ad_1] Still, the departure of Facebook shouldn’t surprise many Windows Phone users, who are holding on to a device that is on its death knell. Microsoft announced it was officially killing off its Windows Phone business in 2016 following lackluster sales. It halted issuing security and software updates in December 2018. Major third-party apps have […]

Facebook removes over 1,000 pages ahead of India’s election

[ad_1] This is the latest in Facebook’s ongoing attempts to keep the platform from being manipulated around elections. Earlier this month, Facebook removed 137 accounts in the UK for stoking political tension. In January, the company removed more than 900 Pages in Iran and Indonesia for coordinated inauthentic behavior. And last year, it pulled Pages […]

Instagram finally tests a fast-forward feature for videos

[ad_1] In a move so overdue you’re probably checking the date stamp on this article, Instagram could finally be about to launch a seek bar on videos posted on users’ feeds. The feature, discovered by app researcher Jane Manchun Wong, would let you skip backwards and forwards through a video without having to start it […]

Facebook pulls 2,632 bogus accounts and pages in latest crackdown

[ad_1] Most of them, 1,907, were Russia-linked accounts either posting spam or (to a lesser degree) touching on Ukranian politics, including Russia’s annexation of Crimea. The 512 Iranian accounts, groups and pages frequently rehashed Iranian state media and stoked tensions in the Middle East. The remaining 212 accounts and pages from Macedonia and Kosovo falsely […]

Instagram is the latest hotbed for conspiracy theories

[ad_1] Like its social media peers, Instagram has the algorithms and huge user base to share information with millions. But the platform stands out because so many of its subscribers are so young — and as you might guess, many are naive enough to believe conspiracy memes. That’s especially alarming, as more teens are using […]

House committee chair calls for FTC antitrust investigation into Facebook

[ad_1] Cicilline also argued that the FTC wasn’t doing its job. Advocates warned “for years” that Facebook was likely violating the FTC’s 2011 privacy consent order, but the commission allegedly didn’t enforce that order. It didn’t block acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp that helped Facebook “extend its dominance,” Cicilline added. He further argued that Facebook […]

Instagram will let you buy products without leaving the app

[ad_1] When you tap on a product tag to see details of an item in the coming weeks, you may see a “Checkout on Instagram” label. Once you’re ready to buy, you’ll be able to enter your billing and shipping details and confirm the purchase. You can save your payment information for future transactions and […]

Facebook’s massive outage was the result of a server configuration change

[ad_1] Yesterday, as a result of a server configuration change, many people had trouble accessing our apps and services. We’ve now resolved the issues and our systems are recovering. We’re very sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate everyone’s patience. — Facebook (@facebook) March 14, 2019 The outage, which plagued Facebook’s flagship service as well as […]