Category: internet satellite

Amazon asks FCC for permission to launch internet satellites

[ad_1] They’d use Ka-band frequencies like those Iridium is using in its latest satellites, and Amazon is asking for clearance to use anti-interference technology to avoid headaches. And yes, Amazon is aware of the potential problems with space debris. The satellites would deorbit themselves in less than 10 years whether or not they were still […]

SpaceX is still in control of all but three of its internet satellites

[ad_1] SpaceX also intends to deorbit two of the functioning satellites in order to test the process. It’s still early days for Starlink, but it suggests that you won’t see a host of dead satellites clogging up Earth’s orbit. The concern is more one of scale. Eventually, SpaceX hopes to put a constellation of nearly […]

China launches a rocket from a ship for the first time

[ad_1] While the US and Russia worked with other countries on the Sea Launch platform (which wound down in 2014), China is the only nation to have launched a rocket from sea using a platform and tech it fully owns, according to TechCrunch. The launch, however, took place from a private cargo ship. SpaceX, meanwhile, […]

FCC clears SpaceX to fly internet satellites in lower orbit

[ad_1] Companies like OneWeb and Kepler Communications had objected to SpaceX’s request over concerns that Starlink would interfere with their own satellites, but the FCC didn’t believe the satellites would create “significant” interference. Regulators also didn’t find a significant risk of collisions in the new orbit, noting that each of the satellites would have thrusters […]