Category: Internet

Facebook will make anti-vaccine content less visible

[ad_1] Facebook’s crackdown on anti-vaxxers won’t just punish groups that spread the information, it will also make them harder to find. Anti-vaccine groups will be excluded from recommendations and won’t come up as predictions when typing in the search bar on Facebook. Advertisements that include misinformation about vaccinations will be rejected, and Facebook is squashing […]

Facebook Messenger bug let other people see who you’d been talking to

[ad_1] In a blog post, Imperva security researcher Ron Masas explains how a CSFL attack could exploit the properties of iFrame elements to determine the state of an application. Running this process through individual Messenger contacts would yield one of two states, full or empty, indicating whether a user had ever communicated with that contact […]

Facebook removes fake accounts stoking political tension in UK

[ad_1] The company didn’t say where the operators came from, but they were relatively sophisticated. On top of the Russia-style attempt at social division, those responsible “frequently changed” group and page names to keep people guessing. They amassed a solid following, too, with about 175,000 accounts following one or more Pages and 4,500 following at […]

The Queen is now on Instagram

[ad_1] Queen Elizabeth II might be the next big Instagram influencer. Her Majesty made her first ever post to Instagram today while visiting the Science Museum in London. Her post, made from the official TheRoyalFamily account, was a photo of a letter sent to her great-great-grandfather Prince Albert from 19th-century mathematician, engineer and computer pioneer […]

Nintendo is bringing VR to the Switch

[ad_1] The Virtual Boy is back.Nintendo’s next Labo kit brings VR to Switch Labo VR will go on sale April 12th in a few different packages: a $40 Starter Set + Blaster that you can grow with two $20 Expansion sets adding either a Camera & Elephant or Bird & Wind Petal, or as a […]

Amazon’s joint healthcare organization is called ‘Haven’

[ad_1] Haven, the website says, is a nonprofit that aims to make primary care easier to access, make prescription drugs more affordable and insurance benefits easier to understand. When the partners first announced the endeavor, they said they want to accomplish those goals with the help of technology. That hasn’t changed: they explained that they’re […]

US Army email mistake puts hundreds of immigrant recruits at risk

[ad_1] The Army sent out the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) recruit data “at least” three times between July 2017 and January 2018. Chinese recruits have already used the list to support their asylum claims, warning that they might face retaliation if they’re sent back to their country of origin. Some recruits […]

Mark Zuckerberg outlines a ‘privacy-focused’ revamp of Facebook

[ad_1] Zuckerberg saw WhatsApp as the template for these changes. It’s a secure messaging platform first, and includes features built on top of that foundation. The executive suggested that it ultimately represented the “future of communication,” where you can be sure that whatever you say is both protected and impermanent. He also acknowledged the skepticism […]

Treasure hunts have come to ‘Fortnite’

[ad_1] As teased inside the game’s newsfeed, treasure maps will allow you to “uncover hidden loot across the island.” Grab the map from floor loot or a chest, travel to the waypoint it highlights and dig (pickaxe) where X marks the spot. Inside you’ll find a bunch of legendary (gold) items, ranging from assault rifles, […]

Google tests shoppable ads in image searches

[ad_1] The test is currently visible only to a “small percentage” of users who search for certain broader topics, such as home offices and abstract art. Whether or not it expands will likely depend on early results. With that said, it’s hard to see Google turning down shoppable images. If you’re already using a general […]