Category: ipod

Share your memories and reviews of the last iPod Classic

[ad_1] This week marks an anniversary of sorts for the 6th-generation “classic” iPod. Not its release date (September 5th, 2007), but the date it was officially discontinued: September 9th, 2014. That day Apple stopped producing non-touchscreen mobile music players. The 6th-gen iPod Classic would be the last device to feature a physical click wheel and […]

Apple resurrects its iPod ‘Music Quiz’ game for iOS 14

[ad_1] This only works with the built-in Music app. Sorry, Spotify fans. It does work with Apple Music, iTunes purchases and even locally synced songs from other sources, though. And since it’s a Shortcut rather than an app, you can easily poke around to either get inspiration for your own mini-games or modify Music Quiz […]

Apple pulls the plug on the iPod classic

[ad_1] It’s been just over five years since Apple killed off the iPod Classic (henceforth known as the iPod, because it is the One True iPod). Its death on September 9th, 2014 was no big surprise: Sales had been declining for years as the iPhone surpassed it in sales and feature set. Indeed, the notion […]