Category: isp

Canadian court issues first ever ISP order to block a piracy website

[ad_1] Many Canadian ISPs, including Bell, Rogers and Videotron, also function as cable providers and in some cases, broadcasters. Bell Canada, joined later by Rogers, started pushing Canada’s regulator, the CRTC, to create a blacklist of sites that let people download pirated TV shows and movies. All ISPs would then be required to block such […]

Australia orders ISPs to block sites hosting Christchurch shooting video

[ad_1] Reviews for the blocks will take place every six months. Officials maintain that this won’t lead to arbitrary censorship. There’s a “high threshold” and “parliamentary oversight” before blocking takes place, Inman said. Communications minister Paul Fletcher likewise said blocks didn’t represent a “universal solution.” This is specifically meant to combat material that’s illegal in […]

Comcast to pay $9.1 million for adding service plans without consent

[ad_1] Just over 240,000 of the stated violations were committed by signing up customers who were completely oblivious. For the remaining 205,000 violations, Comcast is accused of either failing to mention the cost or falsely representing it. The pure damages will only account for a fraction of the $85 million Comcast is estimated to have […]

Maine passes bill requiring ISPs to ask permission before selling data

[ad_1] On top of the data transfer restrictions, the measure bars ISPs from using a lack of consent as an excuse to charge users extra or deny them service. There are exceptions for either selling the ISP’s own products or honoring a court order. The bill echoes similar efforts in places like Seattle, and effectively […]

Charter will expand broadband network so it can stay in New York

[ad_1] The penalty isn’t particularly bad for the multi-billion dollar corporation, which faced a potential eviction from New York after the state’s Public Service Commission (PSC) voted last year to revoke its approval of Charter’s 2016 purchase of Time Warner Cable. Had that order gone forward, the company would have been forced to sell Time […]

Microsoft says FCC data on improved broadband coverage is misleading

[ad_1] According to the FCC, some 25 million people don’t have access to broadband. In leveraging data from its various online services, however, Microsoft says that some 163 million people “do not use the internet at broadband speeds.” Evidently, not having access to broadband and not using the internet at broadband speeds are not the […]