Category: isro

India will launch a humanoid robot ahead of its first crewed space mission

[ad_1] The robot told reporters it can operate switch panels, talk to astronauts and monitor a spacecraft’s environmental and life support systems. Its primary purpose, however, is to allow ISRO to test how space flight affects the human body before the agency sends astronauts up in one of its Gaganyaan craft. In the run up […]

NASA photos show the crash site of India’s Vikram lunar lander

[ad_1] In September India lost contact with its Vikram lander just a mile above the Moon’s surface, and now NASA has confirmed photos taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter show where it impacted. The actual discovery, however, has been credited to an amateur, Shanmuga Subramanian. As the New York Times reported, he is an Indian […]

India’s lunar lander crashed within 500 meters of its target

[ad_1] According to the report, Vikram’s braking thrusters malfunctioned — though we don’t know why — and it crashed within 500 meters of its designated landing site. All is not lost, though. All of the eight scientific instruments are still functioning and “providing valuable scientific data,” said Jitendra Singh, minister of state for the Department […]

India found its missing Vikram lunar lander

[ad_1] The Moon mission, Chandrayaan-2, had been going well up until the lander was about 1.2 miles above the surface. It’s still not certain what caused the failure. The discovery is a sad moment for India, which would have been just the fourth country to land a spacecraft on the Moon. However, it also underscores […]

India’s Vikram lunar lander lost contact during its descent

[ad_1] Today India attempted to become only the fourth nation to successfully soft-land on the surface of the Moon. That mission appears to have failed, when the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) lost contact with its Vikram lander at an altitude of 2.1km above the lunar surface. The space agency has said only that it […]

Watch India launch a historic Moon mission starting at 5PM ET

[ad_1] The mission is getting started with India’s most powerful launch rocket to date, the GSLV Mk III-M1. It’s going to be a long while before you can see the landing itself. Vikram won’t be ready to touch down until September 6th. If successful, though, it will represent a major milestone for India’s spacefaring ambitions. […]

India plans to launch space station by 2030

[ad_1] More details are expected to come after India’s first human mission in 2022. It’s currently focused on an uncrewed lander mission to the Moon that should launch on July 15th. If everything goes according to plan, this will make India part of a very exclusive club. Apart from the partner countries involved with the […]