Category: jpl

NASA made a necklace that reminds you not to touch your face

[ad_1] “The objective of Pulse is to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus, which can be transmitted if an individual touches an infected surface with their hand and then touches either their eyes, nose or mouth,” NASA said. You can download the list of parts you need, CAD designs to 3D print the case […]

Eight US companies will manufacture NASA’s COVID-19 ventilator

[ad_1] The eight manufacturers selected to produce VITAL stretch from Connecticut to California and from Minnesota to Texas. JPL did not say when the device might be ready for use.  NASA/JPL-Caltech Next, JPL is evaluating international manufacturers from countries including Brazil, India, Malaysia and Mexico. Those manufactures will also receive free licensing through Caltech. “The […]

NASA will license its FDA-approved ventilator to manufacturers for free

[ad_1] “Now that we have a design, we’re working to pass the baton to the medical community, and ultimately patients, as quickly as possible,” said Fred Farina, chief innovation and corporate partnerships officer at Caltech. The design offers a few key benefits. NASA says it can be built faster and maintained more easily than traditional […]

A rogue Raspberry Pi helped hackers access NASA JPL systems

[ad_1] Diving deeper into the system gave the hackers access to several major missions, including NASA’s Deep Space Network — its network of spacecraft communication facilities. As a result, the security teams of some sensitive programs, such as the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle and the International Space Station, have chosen to disconnect from the agency’s […]

NASA proves its space helicopter can fly on Mars

[ad_1] Since the Martian atmosphere only has about one percent the density of Earth’s, the researchers would’ve had to conduct their flight tests at an altitude of 100,000 feet if they did’t rely on the simulator. The 25-foot-wide vacuum cylinder was the much better choice, especially since the agency has been using it to test […]