Category: kamala harris

US senators ask Amazon why it keeps firing COVID-19 whistleblowers

[ad_1] Earlier this week, AWS vice president Tim Bray quit over what he sees is an attempt to punish whistleblowers who express concerns about lacking COVID-19 protections. Meanwhile, the National Labor Relations Board is looking into claims of retaliation against employees who organize or participate in protests. In a statement provided to Engadget, an Amazon […]

Kamala Harris sees Facebook as a ‘utility’ that might need breaking up

[ad_1] The observations come days after Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes used an op-ed to ask the FTC to break up Facebook. Candidates beyond Harris have had varying stances. Sen. Amy Klobuchar has offered increased antitrust oversight without specifically calling for a Facebook split, while Sen. Cory Booker said a President shouldn’t wield “personal beliefs” and […]

Senators reintroduce bill to improve AI adoption in government

[ad_1] The General Services Administration would be tasked with both providing AI expertise to agencies and researching policy. The Office of Management and Budget would need to devise strategies for investing in and using AI for federal data. The Office of Personnel Management, meanwhile, would identify the skills necessary for AI workers and create relevant […]