Category: kickstarter

Kickstarter wants projects to be more transparent about their budget

[ad_1] It’s essentially a budgeting spreadsheet that will help creators map the cost of their projects. Like the Funding Calculator Kickstarter created in August, Project Budget will remind creators of expenses they may otherwise overlook — like taxes and fees. Once a Project Budget spreadsheet is complete, creators will have the option of sharing it […]

Hitting the Books: Boomers not understanding tech is the circle of life

[ad_1] This Could Be Our Future: A Manifesto For A More Generous Worldby Yancey Strickler It’s a tale as old as time. You parents — rational, intelligent, and well-adjusted as they are — can’t figure out how email attachments work but are somehow capable of turning on a 14-part HiFi surround sound stereo like they’re […]

Phonocut will let you make your own vinyl records

[ad_1] The Phonocut sounds relatively simple to use. Place the company’s blank 10-inch disc (about $10 each) on the platter, connect and play a stereo audio source (such as a computer or phone) and hit the start button. The machine will perform real-time EQ and mastering processing while carving grooves in the vinyl. The end […]

Kickstarter accused of union-busting after firing two employees

[ad_1] Last week another member of the organizing committee, @ClarissaRedwine was also fired, and today a third prominent member of the union was told there is no place for him at the company. I stand firm in solidarity with my friends and colleagues. — Not the Mama (@taylordotbiz) September 12, 2019 I urge the Kickstarter […]

Build your own cheap drum machine from cardboard and arcade buttons

[ad_1] You might not need extra gear depending on your artistic inclinations. It includes two 50W speakers to pump out music all on its own, and a 3,000mAh battery will keep it running when you’re nowhere near a wall outlet. This isn’t a completely stand-alone instrument, to be clear — you’ll want to use either […]

Crowdfunded Nanoloop synth doesn’t need a Game Boy to make beats

[ad_1] This version replaces on-screen visuals with LEDs, and runs on either a pair of AAA batteries (for 50-plus hours) or a micro USB connection. A microSD slot is available to help you store your projects, and 3.5mm inputs and outputs help it sync with MIDI gear in addition to analog fare. The project has […]