Category: lander

NASA’s InSight lander can finally dig a hole for its Mars heat probe

[ad_1] It’s still moving slowly. The mole has dug roughly three quarters of an inch since October 8th, and it could venture as deep as 16 feet. It could be a long, long time before the probe reaches its potential. Nonetheless, it’s a huge relief to scientists worried that one of InSight’s key instruments might […]

India found its missing Vikram lunar lander

[ad_1] The Moon mission, Chandrayaan-2, had been going well up until the lander was about 1.2 miles above the surface. It’s still not certain what caused the failure. The discovery is a sad moment for India, which would have been just the fourth country to land a spacecraft on the Moon. However, it also underscores […]

India’s Vikram lunar lander lost contact during its descent

[ad_1] Today India attempted to become only the fourth nation to successfully soft-land on the surface of the Moon. That mission appears to have failed, when the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) lost contact with its Vikram lander at an altitude of 2.1km above the lunar surface. The space agency has said only that it […]

NASA’s Dragonfly mission is sending an eight-rotor drone to Titan

[ad_1] BIG NEWS: The next @NASASolarSystem mission is… #Dragonfly – a rotorcraft lander mission to Saturn’s largest moon Titan. This ocean world is the only moon in our solar system with a dense atmosphere & we’re so excited to see what Dragonfly discovers: — Jim Bridenstine (@JimBridenstine) June 27, 2019 Dragonfly is scheduled […]

SpaceIL plans second private Moon lander despite crash

[ad_1] SpaceIL's first attempt at a private Moon landing didn't go according to plan. However, that isn't deterring the team from giving it another shot. Founder Morris Khan has announced that the team will build another Beresheet lander and "complete the… [ad_2] Source link

Privately-owned Moon lander crashes in historic attempt

[ad_1] SpaceIL was one of the finalists competing for Google’s Lunar Xprize. That challenge ended without a winner, but SpaceIL joined others in persevering. Even with the crash, Israel is been part of a very exclusive club — it’s only the fourth country to put a vehicle on the Moon (in one state or another) […]