Category: law

Six people face charges for allegedly bribing Amazon staff to help sellers

[ad_1] The indicted include Rohit Kadmisetty, Nishad Kunju, Kristen Leccese, Joseph Nilsen, Hadis Nuhanovic and Ephraim Rosenberg. They all face charges for commercial bribery, accessing protected computers without authorization, and wire fraud. The group will make its first appearance in a Seattle court on October 15th. The case isn’t particularly well-timed for Amazon. The company […]

White House calls on Supreme Court to rule on Trump’s Twitter blocking

[ad_1] The case was first filed by Columbia University’s Knight First Amendment Institute in July 2017, and has since kicked off both a protracted legal battle and a wider conversation about the nature of the president’s Twitter account. About a year later, Judge Naomi Buchwald of New York’s Southern District ruled that President Trump’s ceaseless […]

Google stops responding to data requests from Hong Kong authorities

[ad_1] Until recently, Hong Kong has had an open and free internet, unlike mainland China. Some fear the law has the ability to make individuals and companies remove content. As The Washington Post explains it “targets vaguely defined crimes including subversion of state power, collusion with foreign powers, secession and terrorism.” After the law was […]

Facebook blocks Brazil president’s allies after court order

[ad_1] Facebook has been eager to fight misinformation on its platform, but it’s concerned Brazil might have taken things a step too far. BBC News reports that Facebook has blocked the accounts of a dozen allies of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro after the country’s Supreme Court ordered them blocked worldwide in May. The group, which […]

Telegram to pay $18.5 million and return $1.2 billion following SEC crypto charges

[ad_1] Come the middle of October, however, the SEC had intervened, obtaining a temporary restraining order against the company. The agency said Telegram didn’t register the offering with its office, and since it sees Grams as securities, it accused the company of violating the Securities Act of 1933. Then, in March, the US District Court […]

Members of Congress push to ban federal use of face recognition

[ad_1] No federal agency or official would be permitted to “acquire, possess, access or use” biometric surveillance tech in the US under the proposed legislation. Nor could they use any information from a third-party facial recognition system. In addition, the bill would ban the use of federal funds to acquire that type of technology. The […]

DOJ accuses WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of recruiting hackers

[ad_1] The Justice Department is levelling more accusations against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange — though not new charges. Officials have filed a superseding indictment against Assange that maintains the earlier 18 counts of computer intrusion and Espionage Act violations, but adds claims that he recruited hackers, including people from Anonymous and LulzSec. Most notably, the […]

Senate bill aims to boost accountability for Section 230 without gutting it

[ad_1] Greater accountability would come by requiring a “defined complaint system” that handles reports and alerts users to moderation actions within two weeks while providing an appeals process. Companies would have 24 hours to remove any content deemed illegal, although smaller outlets would have more leeway for responding to requests and user complaints. The bill […]

Germany’s updated hate speech law requires sites to report users to police

[ad_1] As you might imagine, privacy advocates aren’t thrilled with this latest revision, either. One concern is that it will force private companies to help police build a database of people’s personal information. Particularly worrisome is the fact the law obligates companies to transfer someone’s data before there’s suspicion of criminal wrongdoing. Another issue is […]

Huawei CFO is one crucial step closer to being extradited to the US

[ad_1] The US has edged one step closer to securing the extradition of Huawei’s CFO over alleged Iran sanction violations. The Supreme Court of British Columbia has ruled (via TechCrunch) that Meng Wanzhou’s case met the standard for “double criminality” in extraditions — that is, what she allegedly did in one country was also illegal […]