Category: law

Australian bill could imprison social network execs over violent content

[ad_1] Platform hosts would also have to notify Australia if they discover their service is streaming violent content taking place within the country. If they don’t, they could face fines up to $168,000 AUD for an individual and $840,000 AUD for a company. The new legislation would ultimately be similar to those requiring companies to […]

‘Call of Duty’ swatter to serve 20 years in prison

[ad_1] After being given an address by the gamer he was in an argument with, Shane Gaskill, Barriss called the Wichita police posing as his rival. He told the dispatcher that he murdered his father and was holding the rest of his family hostage. A SWAT team showed up at the address provided to him […]

US conducts criminal investigation into Facebook’s data deals

[ad_1] Facebook acknowledged the investigation to the Times, stating that it was “cooperating with investigators” and was taking probes “seriously.” The deals typically revolved around making it easier to fill out contacts, share content and otherwise integrate Facebook with devices and websites. There’s a concern that these deals weren’t always transparent to everyday users, though. […]

House Democrats will introduce bill to reinstate net neutrality rules

[ad_1] If the bill represents a full return to the 2015 rules, it would ban internet providers from blocking or slowing legal content, including through roundabout means like “fast lanes” where customers pay for better performance. The post-repeal FCC allows these restrictions so long as ISPs disclose what they’re doing. The measure faces stiff odds. […]