Category: lawsuit

Broadcom lawsuit blames your Netflix habit for a drop in chip sales

[ad_1] Netflix has declined to comment. Broadcom said it alerted Netflix to the alleged violations in September, but that the internet service had turned down attempts to negotiate a patent license. The lawsuit might not go Broadcom’s way. The chip producer sued a string of TV makers in 2017 for supposed patent violations, but Vizio […]

Nintendo prevails in lawsuit over Switch console and JoyCon design

[ad_1] The US Patent and Trademark Office filed a “termination decision document” on its database this week that explains why it ruled in Nintendo’s favor. The biggest factors seem to be Gamevice’s use of a flexible bridge to connect the pair of controllers, plus the fact that each controller has to be fitted to a […]

California ends opposition to T-Mobile and Sprint merger

[ad_1] The settlement also aims to protect jobs. Current retail employees at T-Mobile and Sprint will have to get offers of “substantially similar” jobs post-merger, with the total employee count after three years being “equal to or greater than” what it was before the merger. California wants T-Mobile to create about 1,000 jobs with a […]

Sharp sues Vizio over display tech in 70-inch TVs

[ad_1] Sharp filed the lawsuit in a US District Court in California yesterday, but says it tried to settle the issue through negotiations with one of the other companies named, Xianyang CaiHong Optoelectronics Technology Co (CHOT). Sharp holds over 10,000 display patents in China, Japan and the US, and the company says those patents cover […]

Russian court says facial recognition tech does not violate privacy

[ad_1] Activists had hoped the courts would ban the use of the technology, which was rolled out in the city throughout 2019 — the system cost at least 3.3 billion roubles ($50 million) and comprises more than 105,000 cameras. The system — which remained operational throughout the legal proceedings — is now being used to […]

Leaked documents suggest Huawei violated Iran sanctions

[ad_1] Early last year, the US charged Huawei with violating sanctions on Iran and stealing trade secrets. The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently added more trade-secret theft charges to the case, and Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou is facing separate charges for allegedly committing fraud to bypass the Iran sanctions. Huawei has pushed back. […]

Facebook sues analytics firm that stole user data through third-party apps

[ad_1] News of the exposure first came out last November when Facebook and Twitter verified the findings of independent security researchers. At the time, Facebook said OneAudience and another SDK developer called Mobiburn obtained information like people’s names, emails and gender. Facebook went on to notify 9.5 million users that their data had potentially been […]

Peloton settles music licensing lawsuit over its exercise videos

[ad_1] Peloton didn’t detail the terms of the settlement, but it sounds like it’s in a position to avoid any future licensing issues with what it’s calling a joint collaboration agreement. “We are pleased the music publishers and their songwriter partners in this case have reached a settlement with Peloton that compensates creators properly and […]

Judges rule that YouTube isn’t bound by the First Amendment

[ad_1] Prager argued that since Google runs YouTube as a public forum, it should be subject to First Amendment scrutiny. However, a US District Court judge disagreed and tossed his lawsuit. The three judges who oversaw the appeal clearly share the first judge’s opinion, writing in their decision: “Despite YouTube’s ubiquity and its role as […]

New Mexico AG sues Google over alleged child privacy violations (updated)

[ad_1] According to Balderas, Google gathers location data, browsing and search histories, contacts, voice recordings, passwords and more, from children of all ages, without giving parents the ability to limit or review the data collection. The lawsuit also claims that until 2014, Google fed this data to its advertising business and that Google monitors teachers […]