Category: legislation

Senators propose legislation to protect your phone at the border

[ad_1] In addition to needing a warrant, the “Protecting Data at the Border Act” would prevent agents from denying access to US citizens who refuse to hand over devices, passwords or log-in credentials. Though, federal agents could override the need for a warrant in the event of immediate danger, conspiratorial activities threatening national security or […]

Senators reintroduce bill to improve AI adoption in government

[ad_1] The General Services Administration would be tasked with both providing AI expertise to agencies and researching policy. The Office of Management and Budget would need to devise strategies for investing in and using AI for federal data. The Office of Personnel Management, meanwhile, would identify the skills necessary for AI workers and create relevant […]

Senate bill would make tech companies test algorithms for bias

[ad_1] The bill would only apply to companies that either make more than $50 million per year or have data for at least one million people or devices. Small businesses would theoretically be safe. The senators saw this as a civil rights issue and pointed to recent incidents as examples. Facebook is still facing a […]

Senate bill would ban deceptive data collection by internet giants

[ad_1] The legislation would also require disclosure of experiments to users and the public at least once every 90 days, and would mandate independent review boards for any behavioral or psychological research. The Federal Trade Commission would handle any violations alongside an external registered agency. As Senators Fischer and Warner describe DETOUR, this is about […]