Category: look mum no computer

Hacked NES Power Glove controls a modular synth with finger wriggles

[ad_1] Never mind controlling a modular synth by twiddling knobs. If one modder has his way, one of Nintendo’s legendary controllers is the way of the future. Look Mum No Computer (aka Sam Battle) has hacked an NES Power Glove into a gesture controller for his modular synth setup. All he has to do is […]

Inside the crazy, musical mind of Look Mum No Computer

[ad_1] The inventor has since moved out of London and started renting a separate studio. It’s littered with tools, spare parts and half-broken musical instruments that have been donated or bought by Battle on the cheap. The space is a simple but visually stimulating backdrop for all of his YouTube videos. The equipment and purposefully […]