Category: lunar lander

Blue Origin team delivers full-scale lunar lander mockup to NASA

[ad_1] Blue Origin and its “National Team” partners Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Draper have delivered their full scale lunar lander mock-up to NASA. The space agency will use the engineering prototype to simulate how it could get “crew, equipment, supplies and samples off and on the vehicle” in future moon missions, according to the […]

India’s lunar lander crashed within 500 meters of its target

[ad_1] According to the report, Vikram’s braking thrusters malfunctioned — though we don’t know why — and it crashed within 500 meters of its designated landing site. All is not lost, though. All of the eight scientific instruments are still functioning and “providing valuable scientific data,” said Jitendra Singh, minister of state for the Department […]

India found its missing Vikram lunar lander

[ad_1] The Moon mission, Chandrayaan-2, had been going well up until the lander was about 1.2 miles above the surface. It’s still not certain what caused the failure. The discovery is a sad moment for India, which would have been just the fourth country to land a spacecraft on the Moon. However, it also underscores […]

India’s Vikram lunar lander lost contact during its descent

[ad_1] Today India attempted to become only the fourth nation to successfully soft-land on the surface of the Moon. That mission appears to have failed, when the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) lost contact with its Vikram lander at an altitude of 2.1km above the lunar surface. The space agency has said only that it […]

China’s rover finds mysterious minerals on the far side of the moon

[ad_1] Chang’e-4 intentionally landed inside the moon’s Von Kármán crater, one of the largest known impact structures in the solar system. As National Geographic points out, if scientists are going to find lunar mantle material anywhere, that’s a good place to look. In exploring the carter’s basin, Yutu-2 reportedly found two minerals: low-calcium (ortho)pyroxene and […]

Jeff Bezos reveals his ‘Blue Moon’ lunar lander

[ad_1] Blue Origin says the cargo variant it has just revealed can carry 3.6 metric tons to its destination. It’s also working on another variant that’s capable of carrying a “6.5-metric-ton, human-rated ascent stage.” While Bezos didn’t mention particular dates, the company believes it can meet the government’s goal of putting Americans back on the […]

Tesla adds ‘2048’ and Atari’s ‘Super Breakout’ to its dashboards

[ad_1] Tesla is adding more free games to the dashboard display on Model S, Model X and Model 3 cars. Super Breakout and 2048 are joining other Atari classics Missile Command, Asteroids, Lunar Lander and Centipede, which Tesla added in August. To date, hundreds of thousands of people have played those games, according to the […]