Category: Mac

Apple in ‘advanced’ discussions to buy Intel’s modem division

[ad_1] We’ve asked both Apple and Intel for comment. There have been not-so-subtle hints this might happen. Apple poached Intel’s 5G leader weeks before the Qualcomm deal, for one thing. It has also signaled more than once that it wants to develop its own cellular chipsets between job listings and a decision to add jobs […]

Apple quietly updates Macs to remove Zoom webcam exploit

[ad_1] Zoom told TechCrunch that it partnered with Apple to test the fix. It shouldn’t affect functionality other than requiring your permission to launch the app. We’ve asked Apple for comment. Apple is known to deliver quiet updates to block malware. This, however, is another story — the company is pushing an update to fix […]

Zoom will remove server behind Mac webcam security hole

[ad_1] The company had previously defended its earlier decisions. The web server only responded to requests from the local computer, Zoom said. It argued that this was more convenient than having to confirm launching the Zoom client every time you wanted to get into a meeting. It also fixed a denial-of-service bug in May, although […]

Apple hires one of ARM’s top chip designers

[ad_1] Filippo signed on in May. He’s working in Austin, a known hub for Apple’s semiconductor plans. His experience bodes well for many Apple products, since Apple uses ARM-based chips not just as the heart of its mobile hardware, but as companions in Macs. You could see iPhones and iPads that continue to push boundaries. […]

Apple might wave goodbye to Dashboard in macOS Catalina

[ad_1] We’ve asked Apple for comment. If Dashboard goes away for good, it’d represent a sad but unsurprising end. Apple introduced the feature way back in 2005, with OS X Tiger. It was a convenient way to check the weather or track your packages, but the appearance of the sidebar (not to mention smartphone notifications) […]

Watch Apple’s WWDC 2019 keynote in under seven minutes

[ad_1] To say Apple’s WWDC 2019 keynote was jam-packed would be an understatement. Apple offered its usual previews of the next versions of iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS, but it also broke some new ground. The iPad now has its own operating system, for starters. There were also meaningful updates to the HomePod and a […]

What to expect from Apple at WWDC 2019

[ad_1] When Apple first started talking about redesigning the Mac Pro, it also pointed to the need for a new, pro-grade monitor to go with it. (The company stopped building standalone displays in 2016, instead pushing LG screens in its online store.) So far, rumors suggest that we’ll get a look at a 31.6-inch, 6K […]

Mac security hole reportedly lets attackers bypass app safeguards

[ad_1] Apple may have another Gatekeeper security flaw on its hands. Researcher Filippo Cavallarin has detailed a macOS vulnerability that he said would let attackers install malware without the usual permission request. As Gatekeeper considers network sh… [ad_2] Source link

Apple offers free repairs for 2016 MacBook Pros with faulty backlights

[ad_1] This might not be the end to the story. While 2018 and newer revisions use longer cables that shouldn’t be at risk, iFixit pointed out that 15-inch MacBook Pros from 2016 also appear to be affected. You aren’t necessarily out of luck, however. Apple is promising reimbursements for people who paid for repairs, so […]