Category: machine learning

How ‘Microsoft Flight Simulator’ became a ‘living game’ with Azure AI

[ad_1] After a bit of investigation, Neumann realized that Bing Maps’ data set essentially covered the entire planet. The only problem? It was all in 2D. After using some of that data to build a flyable 3D version of Seattle, Neumann turned to the Azure team to craft a machine learning method for converting the […]

Cornell’s VibroSense makes appliances ‘smart’ by tracking their vibrations

[ad_1] VibroSense’s creators see their creation as a tool to help people monitor energy usage in their homes, allowing them to reduce potentially wasteful consumption. VibroSense also promises to make your home “smart” without investing in new appliances or individual sensors for your existing ones. They say you could also use it to reduce water […]

Google Magenta’s Lo-Fi Player is an AI-based virtual music studio

[ad_1] Lo-Fi Player, a new project out of Google Magenta, wants to help people play around with music creation — no experience necessary. Lo-Fi Player is a pixelated, 2D virtual room that runs in a web browser. It lets you mix lo-fi hip hop tracks by clicking on different objects in the room, and it […]

MIT researchers use radio signals to detect everyday household activities

[ad_1] The CSAIL team has already used the system in hospitals and assisted living facilities to monitor people for issues including Parkinson’s, dementia and COVID-19. The researchers have improved the system, which uses deep machine learning. It can identify activities, such as sleeping, reading, cooking and watching TV, and items like laptops. RF-Diary is accurate […]

MIT AI system knows when to make a medical diagnosis or defer to an expert

[ad_1] The researchers trained the system on multiple tasks, including looking at chest X-rays to diagnose conditions like a collapsed lung. When asked to diagnose cardiomegaly (an enlarged heart), the human-AI hybrid model performed eight percent better than either the AI or medical professionals could on their own. “There are many obstacles that understandably prohibit […]

DeepMind and Oxford University researchers on how to ‘decolonize’ AI

[ad_1] The paper, published this month in the journal Philosophy & Technology, has at heart the idea that you have to understand historical context to understand why technology can be biased. “Everyone’s talking about racial bias and technology, gender bias and technology, and wanting to mitigate these risks, but how can you if you don’t […]

AI helps drone swarms navigate through crowded, unfamiliar spaces

[ad_1] An additional tracking controller, Neural-Swarm, helps the drones compensate for aerodynamic interactions, such as the downwash from a robot flying overhead. It’s already more reliable than a “commercial” controller that doesn’t account for aerodynamics, with far smaller tracking errors. This could be useful for drone light shows, of course, but it could also help […]

Disney’s new AI is facial recognition for animation

[ad_1] Engadget “So if an animator working on a new season of Clone Wars wants to find a specific type of explosion that happened three seasons ago or as a reference to make something for this current season, that person had to spend hours on YouTube going through video because you can’t find that by […]

A sushi restaurant chain in Japan is using AI to evaluate tuna cuts

[ad_1] Dentsu The app is currently in use by one company, conveyor belt sushi chain Kura Sushi. The restaurant buys the majority of its tuna outside of Japan. Part of the reason the company started using the app is that it allows its employees to grade tuna without traveling. That’s a significant perk during the current pandemic. […]

Google starts displaying contextual info in image searches

[ad_1] If you’ve ever searched for something and seen a panel to the side of the main interface that displays some facts related to your query, then you’ve seen the Knowledge Graph in action. The company first introduced the database back in 2012. Since then, it has expanded to include approximately 500 billion facts related to 5 […]