Category: machine learning

Microsoft hopes its ‘Planetary Computer’ will preserve biodiversity

[ad_1] Earlier this year, Microsoft announced that it plans to be carbon negative by 2030. The company hopes to help other organizations, researchers and governments improve the environment as well, with its “Planetary Computer” project. The initiative is more nebulous than a single computer, though. The so-called Planetary Computer will take in data, process it […]

You can help train NASA’s supercomputer to identify coral reefs

[ad_1] Coral reefs are shrinking. That’s bad news for wildlife. Millions of species call coral reefs their homes, and coral itself is a cluster of tiny aquatic animals. And it’s bad news for humans, too — scientists’ analyses of organisms in and around coral have contributed to breakthroughs in a variety of medical treatments. NASA […]

Apple’s latest acquisition could help Siri understand what you’re saying

[ad_1] The battle between AI voice assistants continues to rage on, and now Apple has acquired a tech firm, Voysis, that is all about helping computers understand natural language. As reported by Bloomberg, the firm’s now-deleted website said it could produce search results from phrases like “I need a new LED TV, my budget is […]

Alphabet’s DeepMind AI is better than you at Atari games

[ad_1] According to MIT’s Technology Review, Pitfall and Montezuma’s Revenge require the AI to experiment more than usual in order to figure out how to get a better score. Meanwhile, Solaris and Skiing are difficult for the AI because there aren’t as many indications as success — the AI doesn’t know if it’s making the […]

'Star Trek: Voyager' gets an unofficial 4K remaster thanks to AI

[ad_1] As with Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager is unlikely to ever get an official high-resolution remaster. The effects were shot on video rather than added to film after the fact, making it much harder to upgrade the quality than it was for The Next… [ad_2] Source link

Intel’s neuromorphic chip learns to ‘smell’ 10 hazardous chemicals

[ad_1] Using Intel’s Loihi, a neuromorphic chip, the team designed an algorithm based on the brain’s olfactory circuit. When you take a whiff of something, molecules stimulate olfactory cells in your nose. Those cells send signals to the brain’s olfactory system, which then fires off electrical pulses. The researchers were able to mimic that circuitry […]

AI can help find more places to store captured CO2 underground

[ad_1] The team trained a convolutional neural network to find the “hidden correlations” in components of high-frequency data from simulated earthquakes. The AI learned how to find patterns that could be used to infer the ‘missing’ low frequencies, to put it another way. The result is an algorithmic system that, in the right circumstances, can […]

Clearview AI leak names businesses using its facial recognition database

[ad_1] Thousands of public law enforcement agencies and private companies are named in the client logs including Best Buy and Macy’s, the Department of Justice including ICE, the CBP, Interpol, and the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, as well as a number of foreign states like the UAE. Facial recognition […]

AI discovers antibiotic that kills even highly resistant bacteria

[ad_1] The team succeeded by developing a system that can find molecular structures with desired traits (say, killing bacteria) more effectively than past systems. Unlike previous methods, the neural networks learn representations of molecules automatically, mapping them into continuous vectors that help predict their behavior. Once ready, the researchers trained their AI on 2,500 molecules […]

Google is cracking down on apps with ‘disruptive’ ads

[ad_1] Google defines disruptive ads as ones that either interfere with device usability or display when the user isn’t actively using the app. For example, an app could serve a full-screen ad when a user unlocks their phone to make a call. These popups affect more than just users — advertisers end up paying for […]