Category: machine learning

AI determines how much help Shakespeare had writing a play

[ad_1] True to longstanding theories, the AI determined that Fletcher wrote just under half of the play. However, it’s where he took over that might be surprising. If this is accurate, Fletcher didn’t just take over at the start of a new scene — he also pitched in near the ends of other scenes. There […]

Hitting the Books: Humans are responsible for the antics of our AIs

[ad_1] How to Speak Machine: Computational Thinking for the Rest of Usby John Maeda When machines become as smart as the people who design them, where does responsibility fall when said machines make a mistake? We’re already beginning to see examples of this throughout society, from suspect facial recognition technology to suspect sentencing software. In […]

Google will help you pronounce difficult words

[ad_1] According to Google, the feature uses speech recognition technology to break spoken words into individual soundbites. Then, it uses machine learning to tell if your pronunciation was correct, and it offers syllable-specific feedback. This feature rolls out in American English today, and a Spanish version will soon follow. Google is also adding images to […]

Intel unveils its first chips built for AI in the cloud

[ad_1] The chipmaker also unveiled a next-gen Movidius Vision Processing Unit whose updated computer vision architecture promises over 10 times the inference performance while reportedly managing efficiency six times better than rivals. Those claims have yet to pan out in the real world, but it’s safe to presume that anyone relying on Intel tech for […]

Weather Channel app uses Watson to tell you when flu season is coming

[ad_1] Whatever the conditions are like, you’ll get prevention advice as well as CDC flu reports. It’s easy to see Flu Insights fueling some paranoia. Do you really want to be afraid of going outside simply because Watson predicted trouble? Used carefully, though, this could help you dodge the flu entirely, or at least put […]

Microsoft AI helps diagnose cervical cancer faster

[ad_1] A framework for using the AI is now ready for an “internal preview” at SRL. It’s not in use in the field just yet, then, but that’s considerably better than other AI cancer screening methods that typically don’t exist as more than experiments. There’s an incentive to put this into use quickly. TechCrunch noted […]

Google researchers taught an AI to recognize smells

[ad_1] The researchers created a data set of nearly 5,000 molecules identified by perfumers, who labeled the molecules with descriptions ranging from “buttery” to “tropical” and “weedy.” The team used about two-thirds of the data set to train its AI (a graph neural network or GNN) to associate molecules with the descriptors they often receive. […]

Hyundai is building cruise control that mimics your driving style

[ad_1] Hyundai thinks you’ll be more likely to use its new machine learning-based Smart Cruise Control (SCC-ML) because it will be able to match your own driving style. As for how SCC-ML works, Hyundai says the feature adjusts for a couple of factors. First, it will mimic the distance you keep between your vehicle and […]

Here’s how Alexa learned to speak Spanish without your help

[ad_1] The first tool studies a handful of “golden utterances” (that is, reference commands suggested by the developers) to learn general syntax and semantics patterns. After that, it produces “rewrite expressions” that themselves create thousands of new yet similar sentences to work from. The system works quickly — you could move from 50 utterances to […]

MIT-IBM developed a faster way to train video recognition AI

[ad_1] The trick is in shifting how video recognition models view time. Current models encode the passage of time in a sequence of images, which creates bigger, computationally-intensive models. The MIT-IBM researchers designed a temporal shift module, which gives the model a sense of time passing without explicitly representing it. In tests, the method was […]