Category: Mark Zuckerberg

Contact tracing apps are coming whether we like it or not

[ad_1] Plus, I think everyone sucks at security and few things are as bad as app security. I know this can be done right. I understand the security, privacy and cultural constraints of how to make a contact tracing app successful while not trampling our human rights. But does anyone pushing us to the inevitability […]

Recommended Reading: Zoom's security struggles

[ad_1] 'Every day is a crisis': Zoom boosts its security as scrutiny growsCyrus Farivar and Jo Ling Kent, NBC NewsAs many of us are working and attending school from home, Zoom has become a popular vehicle for video meetings and classroom sessions. During t… [ad_2] Source link

Facebook is struggling to keep up with ‘unprecedented’ traffic

[ad_1] That may seem like good news for Facebook, which has seen growth in its main app slow in recent years. But the company says the usage is straining its own resources. “The usage growth from COVID-19 is unprecedented across the industry, and we are experiencing new records in usage almost every day,” the company’s […]

EU won’t let Facebook tell it how to regulate tech giants

[ad_1] This comes as Facebook is promoting its “Charting a Way Forward: Online Content Regulation” white paper, which offers guidelines for future regulations. Breton dismissed the guidelines proposed in Facebook’s white paper as insufficient. He noted that Facebook didn’t mention its own market dominance or clearly outline its responsibilities. “It’s not for us to adapt […]

Joe Biden says Facebook spreads ‘falsehoods they know to be false’

[ad_1] The topic of Section 230 came up when the New York Times asked Biden about Facebook and the fact that the company rejected his request in October to remove a false Donald Trump attack ad. In one of the more raw moments of the interview, Biden went on the offensive against Mark Zuckerberg and […]

A closer look at Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘next decade’ manifesto

[ad_1] Generational Change Zuckerberg began with a section talking about how Facebook hasn’t “yet brought about the generational change in addressing important issues [he] had hoped for.” He goes on to say that many important institutions aren’t doing enough to address the issues facing young people. That includes climate change and the skyrocketing cost of […]

The tech CEOs’ year of reckoning

[ad_1] We were blind, and our eyes were opened by zeros and ones. The tech utopia was at hand, and we should just sit back and not ask too many hard questions. Then things went sideways. Social networks that were the catalyst of the Arab Spring were suddenly being used by nation-states, shit posters and […]

NBC News: Zuckerberg had an undisclosed dinner with the president

[ad_1] Last month Mark Zuckerberg publicly made a trip to Capitol Hill as he testified in front of lawmakers about Facebook’s Libra cyptocurrency plans. Tonight NBC News has revealed that Zuckerberg also made another stop that was not previously disclosed — a dinner at the White House with Facebook board member Peter Thiel and Donald […]

Mark Zuckerberg still won’t ban ‘political’ ads from Facebook

[ad_1] He added that, while it may be easier for Facebook to “choose a different path,” it is more important to stand up for free speech and free expression. “We need to be careful about adopting more rules that can restrict what people can say,” he said. “I don’t think it’s right for politicians to […]

Hundreds of employees criticize Facebook’s political ad policies

[ad_1] In the letter, obtained by The New York Times, the employees argue that allowing misinformation to run could increase distrust in Facebook and undermine Facebook’s integrity. They recommend six ways to remedy the situation, including holding political ads to the same standards as other ads, restricting political ad targeting and clearer policies in general. […]