Category: mars

NASA shares the odd sounds from its Mars seismometer

[ad_1] There’s also an indication of how Mars affects the seismometer itself. A third recording includes the “dinks and donks” from SEIS’ parts as they expand and contract in Mars’ more dramatic temperature changes. If the earlier clips were for bass heads, this is more for experimental sorts. It’s musique concrète from 140 million miles […]

Australia will help NASA go to the Moon and Mars

[ad_1] Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the country is spending $150 million over five years for the collaboration. The newly formed Australian Space Agency will use the budget to “foster the new ideas and hi-tech skilled jobs that will make Australian businesses a partner of choice to fit out Nasa missions.” Artemis, as we […]

NASA starts accepting kids’ name suggestions for its Mars 2020 rover

[ad_1] NASA will whittle the competition down to 52 semi finalists per group, each representing their state or territory. The public will have a chance to vote on nine finalists in January 2020, and you’ll find out the name on February 18th, 2020, a year before the rover is expected to land on the Martian […]

Second failure of ExoMars parachute test throws schedule in jeopardy

[ad_1] Given that the parachutes will be lowering the ExoMars rover onto the Red Planet itself, such flaws are more than a slight hiccup. “It is disappointing that the precautionary design adaptations introduced following the anomalies of the last test have not helped us to pass the second test successfully,” said Francois Spoto, team leader […]

Meteor impact may have started a ‘mega-tsunami’ on early Mars

[ad_1] There appears to be stronger evidence of a possible ocean on ancient Mars. A recent study indicates that the meteor that created the 75-mile Lomonosov crater may have produced a “mega-tsunami” that left its mark on the planet. Its rim is the same height as the estimated depth of the ocean and resembles marine […]

How NASA keeps its astronauts safe and sane in space

[ad_1] As such, NASA has spent decades working to ensure that, when it sends crews beyond the atmosphere, they’ll possess the talent and training required to do their duties and return safely. As we look towards Mars — and its two-plus year round trip — NASA faces an unprecedented challenge in doing so. Even on […]

Mars crew could 3D-print skin and bones for injuries

[ad_1] “In the case of burns, for instance, brand new skin could be bioprinted instead of being grafted from elsewhere on the astronaut’s body, doing secondary damage that may not heal easily in the orbital environment,” said Tommaso Ghidini, head of the division at the European Space Agency that oversees the project, in a statement. […]

NASA just witnessed its biggest methane gas emission on Mars

[ad_1] During a follow-up test over the weekend, though, scientists found that the methane levels around the rover already dropped sharply. Curiosity detected normal methane levels (1 part per billion by volume) following the sudden elevation, suggesting that the abnormally high values came from transient methane plumes. So, what does that mean? Well, Paul Mahaffy, […]

Curiosity rover finds gas levels on Mars hinting at possibility of life

[ad_1] Just what would produce the methane isn’t clear. It could represent recent or even current microbial life (possibly underground), but it could also geothermal reactions or ages-old methane finally escaping to the surface. The one certainty is that any gas will have appeared relatively recently — reactions with sunlight and chemicals would split the […]

Japan will send a rover to Martian moons with help from Germany and France

[ad_1] DLR and France’s National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) will help JAXA build and study a rover meant to explore one of the moons. That rover will fly strapped to the MMX spacecraft, which will orbit both Phobos and Deimos. According to New Scientist, if all goes according to plan, the rover will become […]