Category: mate x

Huawei’s foldable Mate X smartphone goes on sale in China

[ad_1] There’s finally a major foldable smartphone on the market beyond the Galaxy Fold… if you live in China. As promised, Huawei has started selling the Mate X through its Vmall online store. It’ll cost a steep 16,999 yuan (about $2,400 US), but you’ll also have a unique, 5G-capable device that can unfold to offer […]

Our foldable future is running a little late, and that’s OK

[ad_1] I have no doubt that Samsung believed in the Galaxy Fold’s usability and potential. Even so, it’s clear in hindsight that the company was in a rush to get these things out the door, and didn’t think through some key design decisions. That top-most layer of protective plastic? Yeah, it shouldn’t have been made […]

Huawei delays the launch of its foldable phone until September

[ad_1] Foldable phones were meant to be the hot new thing this year, but sadly the technology clearly isn’t ready for the real world. Samsung seeded review units of the Galaxy Fold but journalists quickly found that the devices began to break after just days of use. The bending screen has an air gap around […]

Huawei is suing the US government

[ad_1] It also accused the US government of hacking its servers and stealing emails, while smearing the company without any evidence, and blocking its ability to compete in 5G technology around the world. Huawei’s ire is focused on Section 889 of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). That section targeted it by name to […]