Category: mayo clinic

Self-driving shuttles are ferrying COVID-19 tests at a Florida clinic

[ad_1] In this article: Self-driving car, self-driving, autonomous, navya, Covid-19, coronavirus, Health, Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Florida, beep, news, gear All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an […]

The FDA is fast-tracking an algorithm that screens for heart failure

[ad_1] The algorithm was introduced in a study published in Nature Medicine in January 2019. It was trained on 44,959 patients and tested on 52,870 patients. In those initial tests, it showed 87.5 percent accuracy. The algorithm is designed to work with Eko’s DUO digital stethoscope. The handheld device can be placed on the left […]