Category: military

Jeff Bezos: US is in ‘big trouble’ if Big Tech rejects military contracts

[ad_1] Bezos likewise made it clear that Amazon would continue to fight for more military business even after the Pentagon spurned it in favor of Microsoft for the JEDI contract. “We are going to support the Department of Defense, this country is important,” he said. The tech pioneer isn’t uniformly supportive of the government, and […]

Pentagon’s draft AI ethics guidelines fight bias and rogue machines

[ad_1] The draft demands equitable AI that avoids “unintended bias” in algorithms, such as racism or sexism. AI could lead to people being treated “unfairly,” the board said, even if they’re not necessarily in life-and-death situations. The board called on the military to ensure that its data sources were neutral, not just the code itself. […]

Air Force’s X-37B space plane lands after record 780 days in orbit

[ad_1] The spacecraft completed “all mission objectives,” according to USAF Rapid Capabilities Office director Randy Walden. Just what those are isn’t clear, though. X-37B payloads are still classified, and officials have typically provided only vague hints of what was aboard. One was a thermal spreader that helped test “experimental electronics” and heat pipe cooling in […]

Recommended Reading: The ICE surveillance playbook

[ad_1] How ICE picks its targets in the surveillance ageMcKenzie Funk,The New York Times Through the lens of officers operating in the Pacific Northwest, The New York Times explains how Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) collects information on possible targets. That includes monitoring social media accounts and tapping into “the world’s largest privately run database […]

Recommended Reading: The redesigned WWE Network

[ad_1] WWE Network 2.0: How WWE rebuilt its streaming service after a split with DisneyChris Welch,The Verge After a flashy reveal at CES a few years ago, the WWE Network is by all accounts a success, amassing well over a million subscribers by early 2019. Disney threw a wrench in the plans when it bought […]

The Trump Administration just revived the Cold War-era Space Command

[ad_1] “The dangers to our country constantly evolve, and so must we,” Trump said at an event today. “Now, those who wish to harm the United States, who seek to challenge us in the ultimate high ground of space, it’s going to be a whole different ballgame.” The revived Space Command was first established by […]

DARPA is seeking giant abandoned tunnels for… reasons

[ad_1] The kicker is that DARPA needs an answer quickly — it only posted the notice on August 20th, and any evil geniuses tunnel owners have until August 30th at 5PM Eastern to offer their spaces. And of course, DARPA hasn’t said just why it needs this area to begin with. A lair for a […]

UN claims North Korea hacks stole $2 billion to fund its nuclear program

[ad_1] South Korea appears to be the hardest hit country, suffering at least 10 attacks. India was the victim of three attacks, with Bangladesh and Chile the victim of two each. Meanwhile, Costa Rica, Gambia, Guatemala, Kuwait, Liberia, Malaysia, Malta, Nigeria, Poland, Slovenia, South Africa, Tunisia and Vietnam suffered one attack each. The attacks were […]

US Navy will scrap touchscreen controls on its destroyers

[ad_1] The switch will affect all DDG-51 class (Arleigh Burke) ships using the Integrated Bridge and Navigation System. You should see the first change in summer 2020. The first in-service ship to make the leap will be the USS Ramage, while the first brand new destroyer to drop touchscreens will be the USS Ted Stevens. […]

Russian rocket test explosion leads to radiation leak

[ad_1] Officials also ordered shipping in the nearby Dvina Bay region of the White Sea, near both the military facility where the explosion occurred and a nuclear submarine production facility. Rosatom’s statement didn’t say exactly what hardware was involved, but the New York Times pointed to clues that it might have been an experimental weapon. […]