Category: mit

MIT algorithm helps robots guess where humans are going next

[ad_1] Rather than simply rely on the distance of points on a person’s body, like common systems, the new approach aligns segments of a person’s trajectory with a collection of reference movements. Moreover, it considers timing as well — it knows you’re not about to change course if you’ve just started moving. Robots should be […]

Autonomous ‘roboats’ can assemble into floating structures

[ad_1] The docking mechanism itself is a ball-and-socket system that uses a laser to tell when the ball is inside, locking the arriving robot into place. The socket, meanwhile, is a funnel that gives the boats leeway to bounce around in the water. There’s no guarantee you’ll see production versions of this tech. Roboat has […]

MIT’s sensor-packed glove helps AI identify objects by touch

[ad_1] The “scalable tactile glove,” or STAG, is a simple knit glove packed with more than 550 tiny sensors. The researchers wore STAG while handling 26 different objects — including a soda can, scissors, tennis ball, spoon, pen and a mug. As they did, the sensors gathered pressure-signal data, which was interpreted by a neural […]

Why putting googly eyes on robots makes them inherently less threatening

[ad_1] “As we approach the completion of the rollout, we continue to be pleased by the addition of Marty in our stores,” a Giant Food rep told Engadget via email. “Our associates are appreciative of the assistance Marty provides them, freeing them up to do other tasks and interact more with customers. Speaking of our […]

The fight against childhood blindness could lead to eagle-eyed robots

[ad_1] Each year, around four in 10,000 children worldwide are born with congenital cataract (CC), a rare occurrence by WHO standards, yet the condition accounts for as much as 20 percent of childhood blindness cases. CC is treatable with simple corrective surgery but in parts of the world where medical facilities are few and far […]

MIT AI model is ‘significantly’ better at predicting breast cancer

[ad_1] The scientists first looked at the mammograms of over 60,000 patients who were treated at Massachusetts General. They then identified the women that developed breast cancer within five years of their screening. With this data, scientists created a model that recognizes the subtle patterns in breast tissue that are the early signs of cancer. […]

MIT finds smaller neural networks that are easier to train

[ad_1] To train most neural networks, engineers feed them massive datasets, but that can take days and expensive GPUs. The researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) found that within those trained networks are smaller, subnetworks that can make equally accurate predictions. CSAIL’s so-called ‘lottery-ticket hypothesis’ is based on the idea that […]

MIT scientists ‘work out’ synthetic hydrogels to make them stronger

[ad_1] They used polyvinyl alcohol hydrogels, which are common in lab settings and used for medical implants and drug coatings. The trick was to create a material that was as strong as a muscle, but which also contained a high enough water content to be pliant enough for the human body. “Most of the tissues […]

Particle learning system could help robots make sushi

[ad_1] The team demonstrated its system by tasking a two-fingered robot, RiceGrip, with reshaping deformable foam into a desired shape, much like you might shape sushi. It used a depth camera and object recognition to identify the foam, and then used the model to envision the foam as a dynamic graph for deformable materials. While […]