Category: modular synth

Hacked NES Power Glove controls a modular synth with finger wriggles

[ad_1] Never mind controlling a modular synth by twiddling knobs. If one modder has his way, one of Nintendo’s legendary controllers is the way of the future. Look Mum No Computer (aka Sam Battle) has hacked an NES Power Glove into a gesture controller for his modular synth setup. All he has to do is […]

Synthspace recreates the physical presence of a modular synth in VR

[ad_1] There’s a certain visceral thrill to plugging in patch cords and twiddling knobs on a modular synth, but it’s not always practical when even the more affordable synths can cost hundreds of dollars. Bright Light might have a simple solution: recreate the physical nature of a synth in VR. Its crowdfunded Synthspace project (via […]

Erica’s modular synth helps you make music with preset cards

[ad_1] The system is otherwise highly flexible with 31 inputs, 20 outputs and seven switches. It includes a 2-3-4 step sequencer, a pair of VCOs (with a controller and VCA module), several mixers, a modulator, two ASR envelope generators, a lowpass gate and a BBD delay. You can also snag it in both a desktop […]