Category: Music

The company behind TikTok is reportedly launching a Spotify rival

[ad_1] ByteDance is already a player of sorts in this game with TikTok and its Chinese counterpart Douyin, which have been downloaded 500 million times. The apps have become surprisingly prominent in the music industry — for instance, “Old Town Road,” the current number one song, first developed a following on TikTok. In Asia, the […]

Trusting companies despite privacy lapses

[ad_1] People say they care about privacy but they continue to buy devices that can spy on themRani Molla,Vox In the wake of Cambridge Analytica, concerns about personal data privacy abound. Of course, Facebook isn’t the only company that’s been caught collecting and sharing user details it shouldn’t have. What’s most interesting about this entire […]

Spotify tests a version of Stories for artists

[ad_1] Storyline is in testing for some Android and iOS users as we write this, although Spotify wouldn’t tell TechCrunch if or when the feature might be widely available. The company is “always testing” new experiences, a spokesperson said. You’re most likely to see attached to songs from pop artists like Billie Eilish, MAX and […]

Google’s subscription music numbers reportedly top 15 million

[ad_1] Even as subscription services eat up an ever-growing portion of the overall music business, Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal report that Google’s packages are not expanding at the same rate. RIAA numbers showed subscription services added more than a million customers a month during 2018, meanwhile the Wall Street Journal cites sources claiming […]

A solid MIDI controller that’s also easy to use

[ad_1] Roberto BaldwinSenior Editor Like most people, I have varied musical tastes. That would be fine if I wasn’t compelled to start a band based on every genre of music I like. I have a punk band, an indie-dance band with seven members, a tributes bands for both David Bowie and Prince and there’s always […]

YouTube Music for Android can play your local song collection

[ad_1] There are limits, at least in the current iteration. You can’t add local tracks to playlists or queues that include YouTube Music songs, and you can’t cast local songs elsewhere. Not surprisingly, the playback controls also remove YouTube-specific features such as the like and unlike buttons. If those aren’t deal-breakers, though, you now have […]

EU set to investigate Apple over Spotify’s competition claims

[ad_1] Both tech companies have declined to comment on the report. Apple, however, has already rejected Spotify’s assertions. It argued that Spotify was really driven by “financial motivations” and wanted to benefit from the App Store’s infrastructure without contributing to it. The firm also rejected notions that it was privileging Apple Music on a software […]

Peloton users stuck with ‘terrible tunes’ following licensing lawsuit

[ad_1] The Verge cites one Peloton user, Ally, who says that “Random songs are plopped in the middle of an otherwise consistently themed playlist.” Meanwhile, the Peloton subreddit brings up dozens of complaints about the service’s subpar music quality. “I’m enjoying rides much less than before,” said one redditor, while another said, “I bought this […]

AI generates non-stop stream of death metal

[ad_1] The result isn’t entirely natural, if simply because it’s not limited by the constraints of the human body. There are no real pauses. However, it certainly sounds the part — you’ll find plenty of hyper-fast drums, guitar thrashing and guttural growling. In a chat with Motherboard, Carr noted that death metal’s rapid-fire pace is […]

The White Album in high-res

[ad_1] Daniel CooperSenior Editor For all of my airs and graces, there are a number of topics where I’m a philistine, and proud. Take high-end audio. To my uncultured ears, there’s little difference between your pricey cans and my phone’s Bluetooth buds. It happens a lot at trade shows, where people slam a pair of […]