Category: Nasa

NASA schedules the first Crew Dragon operational flight for Halloween

[ad_1] “The new target date will deconflict the Crew-1 launch and arrival from upcoming Soyuz launch and landing operations. This additional time is needed to ensure closure of all open work, both on the ground and aboard the station, ahead of the Crew-1 arrival. The increased spacing also will provide a good window of opportunity […]

NASA wants ideas for keeping Moon missions powered in the dark

[ad_1] If NASA is going to have a long-term presence on the Moon, it’s going to need an alternative to typical solar power — lunar nights can last for over two weeks in some cases. And the agency is turning to outsiders for help. It’s partnering with HeroX on a “Watts on the Moon” crowdsourcing […]

NASA delays its Titan drone mission by another year

[ad_1] It’s an ambitious project. This will represent NASA’s first multi-rotor science vehicle on another celestial body, and the first of any kind to carry its full science payload between multiple areas. The drone will spend nine years flying relatively regular missions to collect samples and study both the habitability of Titan as well as […]

OSIRIS-REx will attempt its first asteroid sample collection next month

[ad_1] Once OSIRIS-REx has landed, a robotic sampling arm will perform Touch-And-Go (TAG) collection. The mission is to collect at least two ounces, or 60 grams, of rocky material. If the first TAG attempt in October does not collect enough material, OSIRIS-REx has onboard nitrogen charges to power two more attempts. The spacecraft is scheduled […]

A reality show wants to send its winning contestant to the ISS

[ad_1] Deadline says that Space Hero is working with Axiom Space, a company working to build its own commercial space station in the future. It has secured a potential trip to the ISS at some point in 2021, riding a SpaceX Crew Dragon to the space station, and carrying three space tourists. Axiom confirmed to […]

NASA picks potential missions to better understand space weather

[ad_1] NASA has taken a big step towards launching new missions that would help us better understand how the sun interacts with the space environment around our planet. The agency has picked five proposals and given them $1.25 million each to conduct a nine-month mission concept study under its heliophysics program. After the study period, […]

How NASA knows when it’s a ‘go’ for launch

[ad_1] Between ferrying NASA researchers to the ISS and seeding the night skies with its Starlink satellites, SpaceX especially will have its hands full. But it’s not like we can launch rockets into space whenever we feel like it. In fact, NASA has developed a strict set of criteria that must be met before they […]

A tiny space rock holds clues about the evolution of life

[ad_1] Researchers have found amino acids in other space rocks, but not at such a high concentration. Perhaps most surprisingly, Asuka 12236 contains more left-handed versions of some amino acids. While there are right-handed and left-handed versions of each amino acid, life as we know it uses only left-handed amino acids to build proteins.  Researchers […]

Blue Origin team delivers full-scale lunar lander mockup to NASA

[ad_1] Blue Origin and its “National Team” partners Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Draper have delivered their full scale lunar lander mock-up to NASA. The space agency will use the engineering prototype to simulate how it could get “crew, equipment, supplies and samples off and on the vehicle” in future moon missions, according to the […]