Category: nature

Astronomers observe the brightest supernova on record

[ad_1] In 2016, astronomers spotted the brightest supernova ever observed. They watched as the supernova, named SN2016aps, continued to emit radiation for more than 1,000 days. Today, in a paper published in Nature, they describe how this “extremely energetic supernova” could help them understand the universe’s evolution and the formation of the most massive stars. […]

Google AI tool helps conservationists (and the public) track wildlife

[ad_1] The website, meanwhile, is powerful whether or not you’re a researcher. You can explore about 4.5 million images (as of this writing) using a map with helpful filters for species, countries, dates and specific projects. If you want to find pictures of giraffes in Kenya, you can go directly to the camera traps that […]

Google says it’s achieved quantum supremacy

[ad_1] Quantum supremacy is a big deal, because it encapsulates the ability of quantum computers to solve problems that current technology couldn’t even begin to attempt. Google’s paper explains how its 53-bit quantum computer — named Sycamore — took just 200 seconds to perform a calculation that would have taken the world’s fastest supercomputer 10,000 […]

Test tube embryo transfer may give near-extinct rhinos a second chance

[ad_1] It’s a positive sign, but there are concerns. Ultrasound exams showed that the test embryo is smaller than expected and isn’t guaranteed to lead to a successful birth. Scientists also have to wait for permission from Kenya to harvest the northern rhinos’ eggs. While the government backs the plan, it’s not certain how long […]

Researchers say ‘spidey senses’ could help self-driving vehicles avoid hazards

[ad_1] As the researchers explain, one reason nature is able to process data so quickly is that things like spiders, bats and birds don’t have to process all data — just the information necessary to survival. For example, when prey lands on a spider’s web, hairs on the spider’s legs vibrate at a specific frequency […]

Natalie Portman will narrate a dolphin documentary for Disney+

[ad_1] Another nature flick, Penguins, is due to reach Disney+ in 2020. There’s plenty of pressure on Disney to recruit A-list actors for roles like this. It knows that services like Netflix can attract their own top-tier documentary narrators, and it wouldn’t do if Disney+ arrived with docs that didn’t have a similar cachet. This […]

NASA finally found evidence of the universe’s earliest molecule

[ad_1] NASA used its Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) to detect the primordial molecule. The scientists found it in NGC 7027, a planetary nebula (a remnant of a Sun-like star) located 3,000 light-years away. The discovery proves that helium hydride can exist in space, and it confirms theories about the chemistry of the early […]

Researchers partially revive pig brains four hours after ‘death’

[ad_1] Researchers employed a unique anti-coagulating oxygen-carrying solution laden with pharmacological agents, dubbed BrainEx, to serve as an artificial blood replacement. They filtered and pumped it through the heads’ circulatory system and shockingly began to see renewed circulation, metabolic response, and even spontaneous synapse activation. However, the research team was quick to point out, none […]